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[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Searchable index of poems and poet biographies. Also includes audio files of works read by the author.
[ Kids/Teens ] Collection of poems written by and for children. It also has competitions for young poets ready for a challenge.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Contains a list of haiku poems.
[ Kids ] Humorous, entertaining and fun poetry for children.
[ Kids ] Includes funny poems, riddles, jokes, and tongue twisters.
[ Kids ] Weblog with a collection of original nursery rhymes.
[ Kids/Teens ] A collection of original poems, songs, skits and animations by children's author and playwright Joe Thompson.
[ Kids/Teens ] Features author information, ideas for students, audio clips, and poetry quotes.
[ Kids/Teens ] An archive of nursery rhymes and children's songs from all over the world.
[ Kids ] Complete collection of Mother Goose nursery rhymes with contemporary illustrations. Rhymes are searchable and categorized.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] A poem a day provided by the Library of Congress, one for each of the 180 days of a typical American high school year.
[ Kids ] Features poetry for kids about animals, weather, and aliens.
[ Kids ] Features poems and book reviews written by kids, interviews with poets and a teacher zone. Includes videos.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Features a collection of works gathered from many different sources. Contains indexes of authors, titles and subjects, biographies, illustrations, and FAQs.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] Poetry and art by children from around the world about the natural world. Free annual contest in affiliation with Library of Congress.
[ Kids ] Features animations, information about the author, activities for young readers, e-cards, and resources for teachers and parents.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Large collection of poems by teens from the archives of this online and print magazine.
[ Kids/Teens ] A fully moderated site, featuring poetry and short stories; with new writing competitions on a regular basis.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Large collection of poems by teens from the archives of this online and print magazine.
[ Kids/Teens ] Collection of poems written by and for children. It also has competitions for young poets ready for a challenge.
[ Kids/Teens ] A collection of original poems, songs, skits and animations by children's author and playwright Joe Thompson.
[ Kids ] Complete collection of Mother Goose nursery rhymes with contemporary illustrations. Rhymes are searchable and categorized.
[ Kids ] Features poems and book reviews written by kids, interviews with poets and a teacher zone. Includes videos.
[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] Poetry and art by children from around the world about the natural world. Free annual contest in affiliation with Library of Congress.
[ Kids/Teens ] A fully moderated site, featuring poetry and short stories; with new writing competitions on a regular basis.
[ Kids/Teens ] An archive of nursery rhymes and children's songs from all over the world.
[ Kids ] Weblog with a collection of original nursery rhymes.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] A poem a day provided by the Library of Congress, one for each of the 180 days of a typical American high school year.
[ Kids ] Features poetry for kids about animals, weather, and aliens.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Contains a list of haiku poems.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Searchable index of poems and poet biographies. Also includes audio files of works read by the author.
[ Kids ] Includes funny poems, riddles, jokes, and tongue twisters.
[ Kids ] Humorous, entertaining and fun poetry for children.
[ Kids ] Features animations, information about the author, activities for young readers, e-cards, and resources for teachers and parents.
[ Kids/Teens ] Features author information, ideas for students, audio clips, and poetry quotes.
[ Teens/Mature Teens ] Features a collection of works gathered from many different sources. Contains indexes of authors, titles and subjects, biographies, illustrations, and FAQs.

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August 31, 2021 at 11:10:05 UTC
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