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News Media Industry Participatory
Avenues that support and foster citizen journalism, the act of people "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information". [Quote from We Media: How Audiences are Shaping the Future of News and Information, by Shayne Bowman and Chris Willis].
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Details about a not-for-profit body offering workshops in documentary film making. Project list and gallery showcases the use of participatory video in the developing world to address issues such as HIV/AIDS, displacement, natural disaster, and youth empowerment.
Project enabling people to write about news events in their U.S. city. Contributors' input ranked according to popularity.
Accepts video, photos and audio from a computer or cell phone. A compilation of news items submitted by citizen journalism.
News and information covering the San Mateo county communities. Open for readers to post stories, add to the conversation, or ask a question.
A focal point for citizens’ media. Providing training, online tutorials, and free open-source tools for people around the world to use safely to express themselves. Offers weblog, wiki, and aggregator of international weblogs.
Alternative information source and community forum for Brattleboro, VT.
Register to add a news story, comment or write a column. Open source, community news service, which lets members customize the news viewed.
Group of bloggers in Boston write about community news and information.
That’s “wicked” as in “very” – not “witch.” Provides tools for New England communities to write stories, join forums, post events, upload videos and publish pictures.
Explains the basics of writing articles for the Wikinews community, how to edit a page, plus links to the newsroom and tips on how to ask for help.
Community site to share stories and photos, events, weblog items and classifieds among USA-based neighborhoods.
A focal point for citizens’ media. Providing training, online tutorials, and free open-source tools for people around the world to use safely to express themselves. Offers weblog, wiki, and aggregator of international weblogs.
Community site to share stories and photos, events, weblog items and classifieds among USA-based neighborhoods.
Accepts video, photos and audio from a computer or cell phone. A compilation of news items submitted by citizen journalism.
That’s “wicked” as in “very” – not “witch.” Provides tools for New England communities to write stories, join forums, post events, upload videos and publish pictures.
Details about a not-for-profit body offering workshops in documentary film making. Project list and gallery showcases the use of participatory video in the developing world to address issues such as HIV/AIDS, displacement, natural disaster, and youth empowerment.
Project enabling people to write about news events in their U.S. city. Contributors' input ranked according to popularity.
Group of bloggers in Boston write about community news and information.
News and information covering the San Mateo county communities. Open for readers to post stories, add to the conversation, or ask a question.
Explains the basics of writing articles for the Wikinews community, how to edit a page, plus links to the newsroom and tips on how to ask for help.
Register to add a news story, comment or write a column. Open source, community news service, which lets members customize the news viewed.
Alternative information source and community forum for Brattleboro, VT.

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July 23, 2023 at 5:25:08 UTC
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