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Recreation Aviation News and Media
This category is for publications covering recreational, hobbyist and enthusiast flying only. It is does not cover publications regarding commercial flight.
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Online aviation news magazine and resource that has stories, databases, aero-columns, and aviation news updates.
Company produces publications for aviation and radio-control model enthusiasts. Browse magazine profiles and subscription information.
A monthly magazine covering the global airliner scene
The independent product test report of airplanes, aviation equipment and gear now available on-line.
The news magazine of corporate/business aviation. Aviation International News is considered the industry's best read and most authoritative news publication.
An online aviation news browsing facility.
Aviation business intelligence.
Aviation, defense and space news, jobs, and conferences.
Designed primarily for the entrepreneur whose primary objective is to buy or sell a corporate jet or turbine aircraft.
A high quality magazine, published bi-monthly, featuring classics and warbirds from Australia and New Zealand.
Provides breaking defense and aerospace news with special reports, PEDS and budget information.
Flight Journal is a relatively new monthly magazine created expressly to capture the vital spirit, the drama, the evolution of winged adventure.
Daily publication presenting the latest aviation and aerospace news in email or faxed format. Sample available.
Aviation's how-to, back-to-basics magazine for new pilots, their instructors and those who own and operate flight training schools.
Covers all UK recreation airsports.
Canada's national helicopter magazine published quarterly. Site features: table of contents, cover story, editorial schedule, links, advertising and subscription information.
The premier monthly periodical for people interested in the most dynamic segment of sport aviation: homebuilt airplanes, rotorcraft, ultralights and other special-interest, do-it-yourself flying machines.
Information for pilots, students and enthusiasts, including pilot contacts and aircraft.
A bimonthly magazine dedicated to private pilot travel in the United States.
A site reflecting the monthly magazine which is an information source for general aviation pilots flying piston-engine aircraft.
Dutch Aviation Society. Magazine for aviation spotters and other aircraft enthusiasts, databases, aircraft inventories, bulletin, news on arrivals, deployments.
Weekly newsletter for the commercial and defense aviation industries that provides top news stories and information.
SW Aviator is a flying magazine for pilots and aviation enthusiasts featuring destinations, reviews, up-to-date regional aviation events, and information about piloting in the Southwest US.
A special EAA publication featuring former military aircraft.
A bi-monthly magazine providing coverage of the Canadian aviation industry. Table of contents, cover story, editorial schedule, links, advertising and subscription information.
A bi-monthly magazine providing coverage of the Canadian aviation industry. Table of contents, cover story, editorial schedule, links, advertising and subscription information.
A monthly magazine covering the global airliner scene
Dutch Aviation Society. Magazine for aviation spotters and other aircraft enthusiasts, databases, aircraft inventories, bulletin, news on arrivals, deployments.
Aviation's how-to, back-to-basics magazine for new pilots, their instructors and those who own and operate flight training schools.
A special EAA publication featuring former military aircraft.
SW Aviator is a flying magazine for pilots and aviation enthusiasts featuring destinations, reviews, up-to-date regional aviation events, and information about piloting in the Southwest US.
Aviation, defense and space news, jobs, and conferences.
A site reflecting the monthly magazine which is an information source for general aviation pilots flying piston-engine aircraft.
Aviation business intelligence.
Designed primarily for the entrepreneur whose primary objective is to buy or sell a corporate jet or turbine aircraft.
Information for pilots, students and enthusiasts, including pilot contacts and aircraft.
Provides breaking defense and aerospace news with special reports, PEDS and budget information.
Covers all UK recreation airsports.
Flight Journal is a relatively new monthly magazine created expressly to capture the vital spirit, the drama, the evolution of winged adventure.
A high quality magazine, published bi-monthly, featuring classics and warbirds from Australia and New Zealand.
Daily publication presenting the latest aviation and aerospace news in email or faxed format. Sample available.
The premier monthly periodical for people interested in the most dynamic segment of sport aviation: homebuilt airplanes, rotorcraft, ultralights and other special-interest, do-it-yourself flying machines.
Online aviation news magazine and resource that has stories, databases, aero-columns, and aviation news updates.
A bimonthly magazine dedicated to private pilot travel in the United States.
The news magazine of corporate/business aviation. Aviation International News is considered the industry's best read and most authoritative news publication.
Company produces publications for aviation and radio-control model enthusiasts. Browse magazine profiles and subscription information.
Weekly newsletter for the commercial and defense aviation industries that provides top news stories and information.
The independent product test report of airplanes, aviation equipment and gear now available on-line.
An online aviation news browsing facility.
Canada's national helicopter magazine published quarterly. Site features: table of contents, cover story, editorial schedule, links, advertising and subscription information.

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