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Recreation Living History Historical Impersonators
Professional performers who present impersonations of actual historical persons and of fictional typical historical persons representing a specific Period for stage performances, educational presentations, and similar events. Also, groups and associations of historical impersonators.
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Reenactor with full armor and horse portrays military life in the Age of Chivalry for educational and general events; photo gallery and contact information.
Organization of professional reenactors bring history to life, Egyptian Pharaohs to Colonial Australia, for Australian educational programs and other public events. Program descriptions, contact information.
Professional historical interpretation and stage combat. Characters ranging from mounted medieval knights to Napoleonic duelists.
Christopher Davis portrays Edward Alleyn, an English Renaissance gentleman and actor of Elizabethan Tragedy, and other roles for schools and general educational events. Biography, photos, contact information.
New England-based organization of re-enactors who portray political figures from nineteenth and twentieth century America. Membership information, list of characters, events schedule, photos.
Two-woman show. Demonstrations include Victorian tea parties, period fashion shows of bridal and maternity customs. Fees and contact information.
Reenactor with full armor and horse portrays military life in the Age of Chivalry for educational and general events; photo gallery and contact information.
Two-woman show. Demonstrations include Victorian tea parties, period fashion shows of bridal and maternity customs. Fees and contact information.
New England-based organization of re-enactors who portray political figures from nineteenth and twentieth century America. Membership information, list of characters, events schedule, photos.
Organization of professional reenactors bring history to life, Egyptian Pharaohs to Colonial Australia, for Australian educational programs and other public events. Program descriptions, contact information.
Professional historical interpretation and stage combat. Characters ranging from mounted medieval knights to Napoleonic duelists.
Christopher Davis portrays Edward Alleyn, an English Renaissance gentleman and actor of Elizabethan Tragedy, and other roles for schools and general educational events. Biography, photos, contact information.
Last update:
December 21, 2023 at 15:28:27 UTC
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