Club sites that deal with the Weimaraner.
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Sites 17
Provides member list, photos, and activities summary. Also provides a rescue program serving the local Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area including sections of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Includes list of available dogs, other rescue locations, adoption application, and articles on adoption, collars, crate training, dog CPR, general health, and housebreaking.
Includes newsletter and archives, officers, photos, show information, adoption and rescue contacts, and related links for this group based in Sarasota, Florida.
Provides details about specialty shows, hunt tests, field trials for this group in North Carolina. Also includes event calendar, membership information, newsletter, and rescue and adoption forms and applications.
Includes news, breed standard and rescue services.
A Czech Republic club meeting in Benesov and Prostejov. Provides general information about this club, its history, and contacts.
Serves the greater Denver, Colorado area. Includes photos, events, breed information, member wins and placements, and membership form. Also provides rescue and adoption service, a group of rescue resource articles, and list of dogs available for adoption.
Includes photos, breed standard, club rules, list of show judges, litter list, events, and related links. Holds a number of events including two breed shows: a Championship show in April and an Open show in November.
Based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Includes breed information, events, membership details, constitution, local training classes, rescue program, and related links.
Based in north and central Florida. Includes events, membership application, their rescue operation and application, and related links.
Includes membership information, event calendar, logo merchandise, resources, and adoption and rescue services. Provides adoption application and photos and descriptions of available dogs. Located in Phoenix, Arizona.
Includes breed history, FAQs, articles on working trials, field events, and monster years. Also provides association photos, events, judging lists, code of ethics, and membership form for this United Kingdom organization.
Includes show and event signup and results, news, membership information, puppy lists, rescue service and list of dog to adopt. Also provides summaries of the breed standard, characteristics and history.
Includes club history, officers, rescue services, articles about owning or adopting a Weimaraner, and reading list.
Includes club policy, committee members, meeting details, event calendar, breeders register, membership form, and show results. Located in Brisbane, Australia.
Licensed for AKC specialty shows, field trials, hunting tests, and WCA ratings and provides a summary description of each. Includes membership application, events, local breeders, photos, related links, articles, and rescue program adoption list.
Australian organization. Includes services offered, breed summary, calendar, events, downloads, breeder list, and health articles.
Home of the Weimaraner Klub of the Transvaal. Includes constitution, officers, events, shooting ratings, breeders and puppies due list, photos, and rescue procedures.
Includes news, breed standard and rescue services.
Home of the Weimaraner Klub of the Transvaal. Includes constitution, officers, events, shooting ratings, breeders and puppies due list, photos, and rescue procedures.
Based in Raleigh, North Carolina. Includes breed information, events, membership details, constitution, local training classes, rescue program, and related links.
Provides details about specialty shows, hunt tests, field trials for this group in North Carolina. Also includes event calendar, membership information, newsletter, and rescue and adoption forms and applications.
Licensed for AKC specialty shows, field trials, hunting tests, and WCA ratings and provides a summary description of each. Includes membership application, events, local breeders, photos, related links, articles, and rescue program adoption list.
Includes show and event signup and results, news, membership information, puppy lists, rescue service and list of dog to adopt. Also provides summaries of the breed standard, characteristics and history.
Includes membership information, event calendar, logo merchandise, resources, and adoption and rescue services. Provides adoption application and photos and descriptions of available dogs. Located in Phoenix, Arizona.
Provides member list, photos, and activities summary. Also provides a rescue program serving the local Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area including sections of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Includes list of available dogs, other rescue locations, adoption application, and articles on adoption, collars, crate training, dog CPR, general health, and housebreaking.
Includes club history, officers, rescue services, articles about owning or adopting a Weimaraner, and reading list.
Includes club policy, committee members, meeting details, event calendar, breeders register, membership form, and show results. Located in Brisbane, Australia.
Based in north and central Florida. Includes events, membership application, their rescue operation and application, and related links.
Includes newsletter and archives, officers, photos, show information, adoption and rescue contacts, and related links for this group based in Sarasota, Florida.
Australian organization. Includes services offered, breed summary, calendar, events, downloads, breeder list, and health articles.
Includes photos, breed standard, club rules, list of show judges, litter list, events, and related links. Holds a number of events including two breed shows: a Championship show in April and an Open show in November.
A Czech Republic club meeting in Benesov and Prostejov. Provides general information about this club, its history, and contacts.
Serves the greater Denver, Colorado area. Includes photos, events, breed information, member wins and placements, and membership form. Also provides rescue and adoption service, a group of rescue resource articles, and list of dogs available for adoption.
Includes breed history, FAQs, articles on working trials, field events, and monster years. Also provides association photos, events, judging lists, code of ethics, and membership form for this United Kingdom organization.
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April 6, 2019 at 6:55:09 UTC

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