The Shortwave spectrum is regarded as the radio frequencies in the range from 1.8 to 30 mHz.
International, or Regional Broadcasters sometimes use this range of frequencies to reach target audiences, but are correctly listed in Arts/International Broadcasters because broadcasting is a performing art, for the consumption of many.
Listening to or monitoring such broadcasts and others such as utility, aircraft, marine, and military radio broadcasts by individuals is a radio-related, recreational hobby much like CB and Scanner listening.
Monitoring activity, which is not restricted only to ShortWave frequencies, is often categorized in two ways, namely Short Wave Listening and DXing, or DX Listening.
Short Wave Listening (SWL) is the casual and regular reception of International Broadcasters such as the BBC, Deutsche Welle, and Radio Canada International, among many others. They are easily heard by intended or target audience, through powerful shortwave transmitters, satellite broadcasts.
DXing is the attempt to hear weak signals, signals that are for local audiences, but which may often be heard at further distances by listeners who use special equipment and antennas. Such listeners are often referred to as DXers who often also listen for weak signals outside the shortwave frequencies on the longwave and the mediumwave bands. Those extend from just over 0 kHz to 1.8 mHz. Information about longwave and mediumwave DXing is also found in the Shortwave category.
Ham radio and CB, although within the Shortwave frequency spectrum, are considered separate activities, and in ODP, have their own categories. This is also true for scanning of radio services like police, fire and ambulance.
by editor funk
updated 2001.10.08
More information
More information
Subcategories 8
Sites 20
Annual event sponsored by NASWA, the North American Shortwave Association, for shortwave; mediumwave (AM), scanning, satellite TV, and pirate broadcasting among the other topics. Held near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in March.
Directory and frequency listings of radio and television stations in South and Southeast Asia.
Details the activities of a group of enthusiasts who meet regularly to pursue interests in shortwave radio. Includes member photograph albums, activity dates, current propagation conditions and related links.
Worldwide marine and coastal radio information, including frequency lists, logs, and links to live audio.
Shortwave reception reports, listening tips, product reviews, photos, and links
A Flemish association Of SWL enthusiasts. Features club information, photos, logs, and DX bulletins. [English]
Compendium of radio monitoring information, including general beginner's information, international broadcasting news, and resources to monitoring hobbyists of all stripes, including ham radio.
Co-ordinates transmission schedules of about 60 organizations from more than 30 countries.
Interval signals, jingles, and station announcements of national and international shortwave radio stations.
A resource page for Television, Longwave and Mediumwave DXers. Includes screen shots, DX audio clips, modifications, interference suppression techniques and related links.
Links to shortwave radio stations around the world.
Interactive web-controlled Drake R-8 allows 5 and 30 second live sound bites, details of last 25 frequencies selected by listeners, and information about tuning controls.
Contains amateur and short wave listener forums, propagation information, CW links and gallery of QSL cards.
Devoted to the history of shortwave radio. Features early radio articles, book reviews, and other references for DXers and collectors.
International broadcast of prophecy. Includes shortwave, satellite and live internet broadcasting.
Features the shortwave radio station 'Radio Liberty.' Includes photos and commentary.
Interactive search engine for HAM radio operators and shortwave listeners. Offers information on all frequency ranges from VLF to UHF.
Resource for SWL enthusiasts features information, reception tips, international broadcasting schedules, plus a QSL gallery, audio recordings, photos and links. [English, German and French]
A resource for information about Shortwave Spy Number Stations.
Peter McCollum presents a site dealing with American spy radio equipment.
Features the shortwave radio station 'Radio Liberty.' Includes photos and commentary.
Peter McCollum presents a site dealing with American spy radio equipment.
Annual event sponsored by NASWA, the North American Shortwave Association, for shortwave; mediumwave (AM), scanning, satellite TV, and pirate broadcasting among the other topics. Held near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in March.
Contains amateur and short wave listener forums, propagation information, CW links and gallery of QSL cards.
Interval signals, jingles, and station announcements of national and international shortwave radio stations.
A resource page for Television, Longwave and Mediumwave DXers. Includes screen shots, DX audio clips, modifications, interference suppression techniques and related links.
Devoted to the history of shortwave radio. Features early radio articles, book reviews, and other references for DXers and collectors.
Resource for SWL enthusiasts features information, reception tips, international broadcasting schedules, plus a QSL gallery, audio recordings, photos and links. [English, German and French]
Links to shortwave radio stations around the world.
Details the activities of a group of enthusiasts who meet regularly to pursue interests in shortwave radio. Includes member photograph albums, activity dates, current propagation conditions and related links.
Compendium of radio monitoring information, including general beginner's information, international broadcasting news, and resources to monitoring hobbyists of all stripes, including ham radio.
Co-ordinates transmission schedules of about 60 organizations from more than 30 countries.
Interactive search engine for HAM radio operators and shortwave listeners. Offers information on all frequency ranges from VLF to UHF.
Interactive web-controlled Drake R-8 allows 5 and 30 second live sound bites, details of last 25 frequencies selected by listeners, and information about tuning controls.
Directory and frequency listings of radio and television stations in South and Southeast Asia.
Worldwide marine and coastal radio information, including frequency lists, logs, and links to live audio.
Shortwave reception reports, listening tips, product reviews, photos, and links
International broadcast of prophecy. Includes shortwave, satellite and live internet broadcasting.
A Flemish association Of SWL enthusiasts. Features club information, photos, logs, and DX bulletins. [English]
A resource for information about Shortwave Spy Number Stations.
Other languages 4
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