Sites 15
Integrating technology into the curriculum.
Blackboard is a free service that allows instructors to add an online component to their classes or even teach their entire course online.
Links educators, students, retailers, and professionals in a single network.
Educational consortium; offers company profile, featured resources, first time users guide, and contacts.
K-12 Educator distance courses for Antioch University credit. Independent studies in most subject areas.
Freeware that includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering, and gap-fill exercises for the Web.
Knowplace offers courses in "elearning" skills like how to moderate an online learning community to demonstrate how teachers and students can effectively interact.
Resources designed for faculty in higher education.
Free classroom web sites for teachers, students, and parents. Easy to use tools for posting class-specific information and communication. Password protected and secure class sites.
An online workshop focused on the challenge of teaching at a distance - developing, implementing and evaluating distance education programs.
Offers forms, memos, quizzes, forums, polls and essay submission forms for course web sites.
This is an online New York state certification workshop in "School Violence Prevention And Intervention" for teaching professionals.
Tips and observations on teaching college Web design classes.
Digital library of interactive web-based learning resources; offers profile, forum, members area, and contacts.
Digital and traditional custom publishing solutions for higher ed: iPad App, multimedia, course packs, textbooks, copyright services, and business cases.
Integrating technology into the curriculum.
Links educators, students, retailers, and professionals in a single network.
Digital and traditional custom publishing solutions for higher ed: iPad App, multimedia, course packs, textbooks, copyright services, and business cases.
Digital library of interactive web-based learning resources; offers profile, forum, members area, and contacts.
Educational consortium; offers company profile, featured resources, first time users guide, and contacts.
Freeware that includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering, and gap-fill exercises for the Web.
Tips and observations on teaching college Web design classes.
Free classroom web sites for teachers, students, and parents. Easy to use tools for posting class-specific information and communication. Password protected and secure class sites.
Knowplace offers courses in "elearning" skills like how to moderate an online learning community to demonstrate how teachers and students can effectively interact.
This is an online New York state certification workshop in "School Violence Prevention And Intervention" for teaching professionals.
Blackboard is a free service that allows instructors to add an online component to their classes or even teach their entire course online.
Offers forms, memos, quizzes, forums, polls and essay submission forms for course web sites.
Resources designed for faculty in higher education.
K-12 Educator distance courses for Antioch University credit. Independent studies in most subject areas.
An online workshop focused on the challenge of teaching at a distance - developing, implementing and evaluating distance education programs.
Last update:
May 4, 2021 at 5:35:10 UTC
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- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel