The Czech Republic is located in the Northern Hemisphere, approximately in the middle of the European Continent. Its neighboring states are Germany (to the west), Poland (to the north), Slovakia (to the east, which together with the Czech Republic constituted Czechoslovakia until 1992) and Austria (to the south).
The Czech Republic does not have access to the sea. The main watershed divides the catchment areas of the North, Baltic and Black seas. The closest seas are the Baltic and the Mediterranean - both of which are very popular destinations for Czech travelers. The main rivers running through the Czech Republic are the Elbe (Labe_ (370 km) and the Vltava (433 km) in Bohemia, the Morava in Moravia (246 km), the Dyje (306 km) the Oder (Odra) (135 km) and the Opava rivers (131 km) in Silesia.
From a geographical point of view, the Czech Republic lies on the boundary line of two mountain ranges. The hilly western and middle part of Bohemia is formed by the Czech highlands and the slightly higher mountain ranges of Šumava, Český les, Krušné hory, Krkonoše, Orlické hory and Jeseníky. The West Carpathian Mountains (Beskydy) lie in the eastern part of the country.
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