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Chamonix-Mont-Blanc is a commune of the Haute-Savoie department, in the Rhone-Alpes region.
With a population of 9,195 at the 2006 census, Chamonix covers an area of 94.77 square miles between 3,260 and 15,780 feet of altitude.
Its postal code is 74400.

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Subcategories 1

Local, independent travel guide to Chamonix, France. Find places to stay and things to do, news and events.
Chamonix Valley visitor information. Transport options, accommodations, restaurants and bars, news, events and webcams.
Updates on lifts and ski areas in Chamonix, with ticket prices, weather reports, maps and seasonal advice.
UIAGM and AMGA certified Mountain and Alpine Guides, with custom programs, instruction, ascents, expeditions and ski tours.
Offers ski transfers from Geneva to Chamonix with online bookings.
Offers multi-lingual guiding service to skiers, paragliders, climbers and trekkers. Includes recommendations for those wishing to ascend Mont Blanc.
Offers airport and in-valley transfers with an online booking system and 24-hr confirmation service.
Smart communications, research and development. Graphics, web design and promotions.
Ski School. Includes course, facility, and contact information, as well as basic skiing tutorials.
Smart communications, research and development. Graphics, web design and promotions.
Local, independent travel guide to Chamonix, France. Find places to stay and things to do, news and events.
Chamonix Valley visitor information. Transport options, accommodations, restaurants and bars, news, events and webcams.
UIAGM and AMGA certified Mountain and Alpine Guides, with custom programs, instruction, ascents, expeditions and ski tours.
Offers airport and in-valley transfers with an online booking system and 24-hr confirmation service.
Offers multi-lingual guiding service to skiers, paragliders, climbers and trekkers. Includes recommendations for those wishing to ascend Mont Blanc.
Ski School. Includes course, facility, and contact information, as well as basic skiing tutorials.
Updates on lifts and ski areas in Chamonix, with ticket prices, weather reports, maps and seasonal advice.
Offers ski transfers from Geneva to Chamonix with online bookings.

Other languages 3

Last update:
August 1, 2023 at 5:35:15 UTC
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