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Sites 4
With 18 rooms and gourmet restaurant overlooking the Briare canal. Groups, business travellers, families welcome. Briare.
Between Gien and Briare (Loiret), 4 bed and breakfast in an ancient mansion typical of the Loire Valley set in a park close to the river Loire.
Traditional restaurant and hotel. La Bussiere.
Campground in a friendly and family-like atmosphere with aquatic complex, indoor swimming pool, restaurant, comfortable services. Gien.
Between Gien and Briare (Loiret), 4 bed and breakfast in an ancient mansion typical of the Loire Valley set in a park close to the river Loire.
Campground in a friendly and family-like atmosphere with aquatic complex, indoor swimming pool, restaurant, comfortable services. Gien.
With 18 rooms and gourmet restaurant overlooking the Briare canal. Groups, business travellers, families welcome. Briare.
Traditional restaurant and hotel. La Bussiere.
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Last update:
February 16, 2023 at 10:15:14 UTC
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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: London: Kensington and Chelsea: Business and Economy: Event Planning
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- Recently edited by merlin1