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Sites that have information about Joseph Mary Plunkett (1887-1916), one of the lead characters in the Easter Rising of 1916.
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Article in The Irish Post on the popularity of the song written about the love of Joseph Plunkett's life as of the 104th anniversary of his execution.
Article by Susan McWilliams Lev-Yadun on The Wild Geese.
Brief overview from Ask About Ireland.
Photo of the man and gravesite at Arbor Hill in Dublin where executed prisoners of the Rising were thrown into a pit and covered with lime so that their corpses would quickly decompose.
Timeline of the man's life from 1913 when he joined the Irish Volunteers to 1916 when he was executed at Kilmainham Gaol.
Extensive information from Wikipedia, includes a reading list and external links.
Biographical information and video, provided by RTÉ.
Photo and overview of the man whose marriage to Grace Gifford in Kilmainham Gaol has been written about in song and prose.
Review of biographical book on
Two-hour long documentary that examines the life of man, as told by grand-niece and biographer, with contributions by other family members.
Works published posthumously by the author's sister.
Article in The Irish News on famous vocalist's decision to defy British government by singing lines from a song that is one anthem to the Easter Rising.
Timeline of the man's life from 1913 when he joined the Irish Volunteers to 1916 when he was executed at Kilmainham Gaol.
Extensive information from Wikipedia, includes a reading list and external links.
Photo and overview of the man whose marriage to Grace Gifford in Kilmainham Gaol has been written about in song and prose.
Review of biographical book on
Biographical information and video, provided by RTÉ.
Article by Susan McWilliams Lev-Yadun on The Wild Geese.
Brief overview from Ask About Ireland.
Photo of the man and gravesite at Arbor Hill in Dublin where executed prisoners of the Rising were thrown into a pit and covered with lime so that their corpses would quickly decompose.
Article in The Irish Post on the popularity of the song written about the love of Joseph Plunkett's life as of the 104th anniversary of his execution.
Article in The Irish News on famous vocalist's decision to defy British government by singing lines from a song that is one anthem to the Easter Rising.
Works published posthumously by the author's sister.
Two-hour long documentary that examines the life of man, as told by grand-niece and biographer, with contributions by other family members.
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September 11, 2020 at 20:26:48 UTC
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