The Business Services category lists sites that provide professional and administrative support services to a variety of businesses and organisations. In some cases, these companies also provide services to consumers, but providing services to other enterprises is their main focus.
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Sites 7
Consulting and services related to privacy protection and implementation of the LOPD (Ley Organica de Proteccion de Datos).
Spanish consulting company specialised in Institution Building, Administration Reform, and Legal Approximation, within internationally funded projects.
Management services, advising, marketing, franquiciation, export and other related directly with the companies at domestic and international levels.
Provides automation and modernisation of industrial processes for a variety of sectors.
Specialized in defence systems, automobile industry and general manufacturing.
Offers marketing and business services for foreign companies wishing to do business in Spain.
Offers services of advice and support for companies to stimulate the R+D+i activity in Spain.
Offers services of advice and support for companies to stimulate the R+D+i activity in Spain.
Provides automation and modernisation of industrial processes for a variety of sectors.
Management services, advising, marketing, franquiciation, export and other related directly with the companies at domestic and international levels.
Consulting and services related to privacy protection and implementation of the LOPD (Ley Organica de Proteccion de Datos).
Offers marketing and business services for foreign companies wishing to do business in Spain.
Specialized in defence systems, automobile industry and general manufacturing.
Spanish consulting company specialised in Institution Building, Administration Reform, and Legal Approximation, within internationally funded projects.
Other languages 1

Last update:
December 29, 2023 at 6:35:05 UTC

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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Cornwall: Launceston: Business and Economy
- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1