This Georgian town, situated on the west coast of Cumbria, was one of the first post-renaissance planned towns in the country. Built on shipping and mining, both industries have now declined, but Whitehaven is never-the-less an attractive town and is one of the 40 Gem Towns in England.
Much effort has gone into the regeneration of the harbour area, which is now host to many visits from tall ships.
The population of Whitehaven is approximately 25500.
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More information
Subcategories 4
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Sites 6
A guide to Whitehaven, with emphasis on stories about interesting people and events in the history of Whitehaven.
Doctor's practice, includes clinics, staff, opening times, practice charter, patient participation group, prescriptions and NHS medical advice.
Small primary school in village just south of Whitehaven. Safe internet search, school documents, interactive notice board, village history, and village photo gallery.
Small theatre on the outskirts of Whitehaven, offering classical, folk, jazz, and rock music, drama and dance for adults and children, and film.
History of the Georgian port on the west coast with photographs of the surrounding area and local events plus directory of related websites.
All about the town including accommodation, business listings, and articles about the town's historical connections.
Small primary school in village just south of Whitehaven. Safe internet search, school documents, interactive notice board, village history, and village photo gallery.
Small theatre on the outskirts of Whitehaven, offering classical, folk, jazz, and rock music, drama and dance for adults and children, and film.
Doctor's practice, includes clinics, staff, opening times, practice charter, patient participation group, prescriptions and NHS medical advice.
History of the Georgian port on the west coast with photographs of the surrounding area and local events plus directory of related websites.
A guide to Whitehaven, with emphasis on stories about interesting people and events in the history of Whitehaven.
All about the town including accommodation, business listings, and articles about the town's historical connections.
Last update:
July 30, 2023 at 17:56:41 UTC
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