Membury is a parish north of Axminster and All Saints, administered by East Devon District Council. To the south west is Dalwood, Stockland to the west and Yarcombe to the north west. In the north east, the parish boundary is also the county boundary with West_Dorset, and the parish of Chardstock is on the east boundary.
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Sites 4
Historical and genealogical research information, including map from 1850 showing the parish boundary with Chardstock, formerly in Dorset.
Self-catering holidays in converted ancient farmhouse and its barns, with gardens and featuring hot tub. Offers bed and breakfast option, and includes green profile, visitor attractions, tariff and location south of the village.
Parish council information with meetings and documents including flooding archive, village hall, history of the church, community store/post office/friday pub, with opening times, local clubs, list of organisations and businesses, events diary, notice board, and contacts
Part of the Acorn Multi Academy Trust. Profile includes information for parents, curriculum, Oftsed report, SEND offer, governors meetings, pre-school prospectus and registration, and contact details.
Parish council information with meetings and documents including flooding archive, village hall, history of the church, community store/post office/friday pub, with opening times, local clubs, list of organisations and businesses, events diary, notice board, and contacts
Part of the Acorn Multi Academy Trust. Profile includes information for parents, curriculum, Oftsed report, SEND offer, governors meetings, pre-school prospectus and registration, and contact details.
Historical and genealogical research information, including map from 1850 showing the parish boundary with Chardstock, formerly in Dorset.
Self-catering holidays in converted ancient farmhouse and its barns, with gardens and featuring hot tub. Offers bed and breakfast option, and includes green profile, visitor attractions, tariff and location south of the village.
Last update:
December 12, 2023 at 21:55:08 UTC
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Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: England: Cheshire: Neston
- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1