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The Barn Owl Trust
National registered charity dedicated to conserving the species and its environment. Resources research and child education, becoming involved, events diary, online sales, links to videos and social media, and contacts for visiting by appointment only.
Listed in: DevonAshburton
Bicton Park Botanical Gardens
63 acre garden in 18th century style. Includes details of the facilities such as woodland railway and countryside museum.
Brampford Speke, Upton Pyne and Cowley Community Land Trust
Recent developments and funding for affordable housing projects. Includes directors, officers and contact form.
Buck The Trend
Environmental group working to promote, inform and educate about local solutions for climate change and peak oil - in transition to a low carbon, low energy future for Bucklastleigh.
Listed in: DevonBuckfastleigh
Butterfly Conservation Devon Branch
Includes details of events such as field trips, also information about butterflies and moths found in Devon.
Campaign Against Nuclear Storage and Radiation
CANSAR is a group dedicated to addressing the threats to the people of Plymouth, and South East Cornwall from nuclear radiation and pollution by the operations carried out at the Devonport Royal Dockyard by the MoD and DML.
Clinton Devon Estates
Heathland site located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Describes the flora and fauna with an historical overview of the castle.
Listed in: DevonWoodbury
Dartmoor Commoners Council
Elected to make and enforce regulations for managing the commons and the welfare of ponies and livestock. History, Map of commons, meetings diary, news, archive of notices and forms, membership and contacts.
Dartmoor Preservation Association
Environmental campaign group and registered charity.
The Dartmoor Society
Aims to promote the human, cultural and historical aspects of the area. Details of events, campaigns and membership arrangements.
Dartmoor Tinworking Research Group - DTRG
Studies and explores the tinworking and tin mining heritage of Dartmoor. Includes events diary, membership, projects and newsletter.
Dawlish Warren NNR
Photographs of plants, mammals and birds, with information on other animals on the sand spit. News, archive of sightings. and links for weather and tides.
DEFRA: Dawlish Warren
Map of the nature reserve.
Devon Archaeological Society
Profile, projects, courses and meetings with news, gallery and publications.
Devon Authorities Recycling Partnership
A group of local authorities in Devon acting as a resource for residents and schools to find out about reducing, reusing and recycling. Includes advice, newsletters, events and contact information.
Devon Badger Watch
Information about, and live streaming video of, badgers. Where to see wild badgers.
Devon Bat Group
Membership formed in 1986, promoting educational talks, roost visits, surveys, and caring for injured bats by licenced wardens. Includes FAQ, bat box construction, local species, submissions for sightings, with contacts in the North and South.
Devon CC: Historic Environment Team
Countywide administration for preservation of archaeological heritage. Summary of land and development planning, historic environment record (HER), resources for schools, current projects, news blog and social media links.
Devon Community Composting Network
Organsiation promoting home production of compost throughout the county. Includes forum, reference books, summary for local groups and contacts.
Devon Local Nature Partnership
The county's environmental partnership to secure local nature for the benefit of people, wildlife and businesses. Includes administration, member organisations, events, area map, news blog and social media links.
Devon Wildlife Trust
Provides information about the organisation, its activities including events, news, projects, places to visit and species found in the region.
East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Describes the landscape, wildlife and heritage of the area, with information about conservation.
Exe Estuary
UK Government publications on managing flood and coastal erosion risks in and around the Exe Estuary over the next 100 years.
Exe Estuary Management Partnership
Encourages those who use and manage the estuary to work together to avoid conflicts and pursue opportunities for improvement.
The Garden House
Garden open to the public. Includes tour of the grounds, opening arrangements, recent developments and location.
The Haytor Quarries & Granite Tramway
Geological, archaeological and historical overview of the quarries and track. A reconstruction and chronology of the track and quarries.
Marine Institute
University of Plymouth centre of expertise, offering experience and knowledge to help marine based companies. Includes news and media information, current projects, client list and links to related sites.
Marwood Hill Gardens
The garden features large collections of camellias, astilbes, tulbaghias and Japanese irises within a park-like setting with ponds and streams. Includes plant sales and tea room.
Listed in: DevonBarnstaple
Moor Trees
Encourages areas of the moor to return to forest wilderness. Involves the local community and the wider community in wilding, ecosystems, land management and forest regeneration.
Nature in Devon
Describes a new nature reserve in East Devon at Lower Bruckland Farm. Offers a photo gallery, observations and visitor information.
North Devon Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Describes the landscape, wildlife and heritage of the area, with information about conservation.
North Devon's Biosphere Reserve
Offers information on this UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, with details of exploring, learning, getting involved, news, events and a map.
Otter Valley Association
Civi society, registered charity, aiming to preserve the environment, organising local walks, and conservation projects. History, events, diary, social media link and membership details.
Pebblebed Heaths Conservation Trust
Registered charity which employs wardens to look after local heaths and implement their management plan. Profile with history, information for campers and dog walkers, and legislation on the commons around the River Otter, in East Devon.
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Environmental research and technological projects, including pollution, sustainability, and .modelling climate change. Information PhD studentships, doctoral training partnerships, careers, news, contacts, social media and related links.
Plymouth Science Park
Offers information on the science park with details of the location, unit available, a gallery, news, testimonials and contact options.
South Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Describes the landscape, wildlife and heritage of the area, with information about conservation.
South West Water
Water and waste water services for the West Country. Details on the Clean Sweep programme, customer and corporate information.
Teignbriidge DC: Dawlish Warren
Details of the natrure reserve, with contacts for rangers, visitor centre, down loadable guides for dog walkers, sea anglers, water use andwatching wildlife.
Tide Times{ Plymouth (Devonport)
Calendar to check neap, spring, low and high tidal conditions on the Sound, as well as times for moon and sun rise and fall.
Totnes Renewable Energy Society
Community initiative to generate electricity for the area from sustainable reseources, aiming to reduce the local carbon footprint. Profile includes photographs, blog, links to social media and partners.
Listed in: DevonTotnes
Totnes Renewable Energy Society: Staverton Leat
Project for Staverton Hydro Community Benefit Society, generating electricity by restoring and modernising a system created in 1932, with a Hydrosense 100 kW hydro power plant. Includes photographs and related links.
Listed in: DevonStaverton
Wembury Marine Centre
Local wildlife trust for seashore habitat. Overview of history, personnel, events, classroom talks, rock pool safaris, with blog.
Listed in: DevonWembury
Works with communities to find practical solutions to the inter-linked environmental, social and economic challenges in rural West Devon.
Wikipedia: River Dart
Article following the source of the East and West Dart, their confluence at Dartmeet, through the Districts of Teignbridge and South Hams, crossings to Totnes, tidal navigation to the estuary at between Dartmouth and Kingswear. Includes recreation, folklore, references and related links.
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