This category includes companies that produce products from raw materials and the companies that support them, such as distributors, wholesalers, industrial supply companies and manufacturing representatives. The general types of companies that will be listed here are food processing, aviation, conveyors, electronic, guns, instrumentation, mining, drilling, chemicals and textiles; however, the list is not limited to these industries.
Companies in industries that have a separate sub-category in Business and Economy will not be listed here. Examples of companies not listed here are agriculture, automotive, computers, home and garden, oil and gas, printing, publishing, and telecommunications.
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Screenprinting and woodblocking.
Manufacture and supply a range bunk beds for youth hostels, budget hotels, bunkhouses, military dormitories and residential centres.
Heating spares and controls, with details of services, manufacturers and online ordering.
Offers a variety of powder coating services to industries across the South East. Includes company profile and details of processes available.
International suppliers of spices, essential oils and aromatic chemicals.
Heating spares and controls, with details of services, manufacturers and online ordering.
Manufacture and supply a range bunk beds for youth hostels, budget hotels, bunkhouses, military dormitories and residential centres.
Offers a variety of powder coating services to industries across the South East. Includes company profile and details of processes available.
Screenprinting and woodblocking.
International suppliers of spices, essential oils and aromatic chemicals.

Last update:
April 11, 2014 at 13:54:13 UTC

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Arts: Animation: Cartoons: Titles: W: Wakko's Wish
- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon