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London Underground is the world’s oldest subterranean railway. Known to Londoners as “The Tube,” its network of twelve lines and over two hundred and seventy stations is actually slightly more over ground than under ground. Approximately three million passengers use London Underground every day, of which commuters are the largest group.
More information
A regular commuter's experiences of travelling on the Tube and other modes of public transport. The author expresses her views on Tube-related news and culture, to which readers reply via the comments facility.
Provides an insight into the responsibilities and working life of a London Underground Station Supervisor.
Details of a personal challenge to walk along the routes of each of London's underground tube lines. Includes GPS tracks, maps, and photos.
Blog written by Canadian expat Ian Wright, the first Canadian to walk London's underground system above ground. Topics include the weird, wonderful and secret sides of London.
Anecdotes and observations of a driver on London Underground.
A Tube user expresses opinions about trains, stations, staff and general levels of service.
Observations regarding London Underground travel and culture from several contributors.
Opinions regarding various matters concerning London Underground, especially safety, working conditions and passenger service issues.
Blog written by Canadian expat Ian Wright, the first Canadian to walk London's underground system above ground. Topics include the weird, wonderful and secret sides of London.
Observations regarding London Underground travel and culture from several contributors.
Details of a personal challenge to walk along the routes of each of London's underground tube lines. Includes GPS tracks, maps, and photos.
Anecdotes and observations of a driver on London Underground.
A regular commuter's experiences of travelling on the Tube and other modes of public transport. The author expresses her views on Tube-related news and culture, to which readers reply via the comments facility.
Opinions regarding various matters concerning London Underground, especially safety, working conditions and passenger service issues.
A Tube user expresses opinions about trains, stations, staff and general levels of service.
Provides an insight into the responsibilities and working life of a London Underground Station Supervisor.
Last update:
June 1, 2019 at 5:35:06 UTC
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