Note that in a General Election, existing Members of Parliament become Candidates if they stand for reelection
Old listings here does not guarantee that they have been reelected!
- This category leads to Members of the House of Commons, MP elected from parliamentary constituencies, currently 650 throughout the UK.
- (Although members of the House of Lords are also technically Members of Parliament, they are not commonly referred to as such, and do not use the initials MP after their name. The scope of this category is limited to members of the House of Commons.)
- There is a separate category for Peers in the House of Lords.
- Often ex-MPs are elevated to the House of Lords, in which case they should be listed there.
More information
Subcategories 6
Sites 4
Official explanation of MPs, with links to biographies, electoral history and select committee membership
Democratic Unionist Party MP for the Lagan Valley. Biography, press releases, information and views on key issues, and details of advice centres.
Provides links to Hansard speeches and written answers, organised by date, topic or MP. Allows users to add comments and links to individual speeches.
Article announcing The Independent Group is cleared to become a political party, with photo of the eleven founder Members of Parliament, under the slogan "People's Vote on Brexit".
(April 16, 2019)
Official explanation of MPs, with links to biographies, electoral history and select committee membership
Provides links to Hansard speeches and written answers, organised by date, topic or MP. Allows users to add comments and links to individual speeches.
Democratic Unionist Party MP for the Lagan Valley. Biography, press releases, information and views on key issues, and details of advice centres.
Article announcing The Independent Group is cleared to become a political party, with photo of the eleven founder Members of Parliament, under the slogan "People's Vote on Brexit".
(April 16, 2019)

Last update:
December 19, 2019 at 17:35:07 UTC

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Arts: Literature: World Literature: British: Middle English: Other Authors
- Recently edited by tomnor1
- Recently edited by tomnor1