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This category contains links to Hotel sites in the Greater Belfast area.
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Provides information about the accommodation, bars, restaurant and function facilities.
Provides online booking and contact information.
Details of the facilities, location and rates for this hotel, restaurant and bar complex, and a booking enquiries form.
Details, facilities, room rates and an online booking facility.
Provides information about the hotel as well as contact details, a photo gallery and local attractions.
Located in the centre of Belfast city. Include hotel information, pictures and online booking.
Includes a guide to the accommodation and conference facilities, as well as online booking.
Details of the facilities, room rates and an online booking facility.
Profile and facilities with information about its restaurant and private functions. Includes gallery and reservations.
Includes rates, maps, contact details and online reservation.
Provides details of the 4 star accommodation, plus restaurants, bars and function facilities.
Located in the centre of Belfast city. Include hotel information, pictures and online booking.
Details of the facilities, room rates and an online booking facility.
Details, facilities, room rates and an online booking facility.
Includes a guide to the accommodation and conference facilities, as well as online booking.
Provides information about the hotel as well as contact details, a photo gallery and local attractions.
Includes rates, maps, contact details and online reservation.
Profile and facilities with information about its restaurant and private functions. Includes gallery and reservations.
Provides information about the accommodation, bars, restaurant and function facilities.
Provides online booking and contact information.
Provides details of the 4 star accommodation, plus restaurants, bars and function facilities.
Details of the facilities, location and rates for this hotel, restaurant and bar complex, and a booking enquiries form.
Last update:
August 15, 2024 at 17:59:11 UTC
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