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List of British convicted murderers in Britain including murderers, manslaughterers and all other killers.
Independent organisation working with the Criminal Justice System to promote the effective practice of working with criminal offenders
A social policy and criminal justice think tank. Includes news archive and project details.
Supports, promotes and represents the voluntary sector working with people in the criminal justice system and their families.
Supports democratic and community movements for environmental and social justice.
Aims to raise public awareness about the dangers and possible consequences of drinking and driving. Provides a list of UK approved offender courses, BAC calculator, court guide, legal advice and sentencing guidelines.
Overview of the drug driving laws in the UK. Including legal limits and penalties.
News, comment and backgrounders on issues and specific crimes plus video clips and web resources.
Ongoing coverage includes news, comment, analysis and backgrounders plus the prison diaries of Erwin James.
Provides a detailed account of the events of April the 15th, 1989. Includes a 20 minute video.
Supporting the fight for justice for the 96 victims of the disaster. Provides a history of the disaster, details of the campaign and information on Liverpool Football Club.
Independent charity, working for humane and effective reform of the penal system in England and Wales: consultative status with UN, NGO working with the UK Government.
A national newspaper for prisoners. Includes news, articles and letters.
Organisation dedicated to exposing chronic failures within the legal system which has resulted in innocent people being convicted. Provides links to a number of campaigns demanding justice.
The National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders. Works with ex-offenders, disadvantaged people and deprived communities. Includes campaign news and events diary.
The official campaign to get justice for the Shrewsbury pickets which is backed by the pickets themselves including Ricky Tomlinson and Des Warren's son.
Aims to create a just, humane, and effective penal system. Research, publications, current projects, and event information.
A human rights and welfare charity providing humanitarian aid, advice and emotional support to British people affected by overseas imprisonment.
Publishes The Prisons Handbook and maintains the Institute of Prison Law.
Anti death penalty organisation. Information on Britons on death row worldwide, on the death penalty in the Caribbean and in the USA. Links to like-minded institutions.
Independent third sector membership body for the field of restorative practice.
Online version of Final Report and Action Plan progress associated with Sir William Macpherson's Inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence on 22 April 1993 to identify the lessons to be learned for the investigation and prosecution of racially motivated crimes. Final report February 1999, action plans ongoing.
Campaigns for better facilities for serving prisoners, and to support ex-offenders in rebuilding their lives. Includes campaign news.
A social policy and criminal justice think tank. Includes news archive and project details.
Independent third sector membership body for the field of restorative practice.
Overview of the drug driving laws in the UK. Including legal limits and penalties.
List of British convicted murderers in Britain including murderers, manslaughterers and all other killers.
A human rights and welfare charity providing humanitarian aid, advice and emotional support to British people affected by overseas imprisonment.
Supports, promotes and represents the voluntary sector working with people in the criminal justice system and their families.
Anti death penalty organisation. Information on Britons on death row worldwide, on the death penalty in the Caribbean and in the USA. Links to like-minded institutions.
Online version of Final Report and Action Plan progress associated with Sir William Macpherson's Inquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence on 22 April 1993 to identify the lessons to be learned for the investigation and prosecution of racially motivated crimes. Final report February 1999, action plans ongoing.
Publishes The Prisons Handbook and maintains the Institute of Prison Law.
The official campaign to get justice for the Shrewsbury pickets which is backed by the pickets themselves including Ricky Tomlinson and Des Warren's son.
Ongoing coverage includes news, comment, analysis and backgrounders plus the prison diaries of Erwin James.
News, comment and backgrounders on issues and specific crimes plus video clips and web resources.
Aims to raise public awareness about the dangers and possible consequences of drinking and driving. Provides a list of UK approved offender courses, BAC calculator, court guide, legal advice and sentencing guidelines.
Supporting the fight for justice for the 96 victims of the disaster. Provides a history of the disaster, details of the campaign and information on Liverpool Football Club.
Organisation dedicated to exposing chronic failures within the legal system which has resulted in innocent people being convicted. Provides links to a number of campaigns demanding justice.
Provides a detailed account of the events of April the 15th, 1989. Includes a 20 minute video.
Supports democratic and community movements for environmental and social justice.
Campaigns for better facilities for serving prisoners, and to support ex-offenders in rebuilding their lives. Includes campaign news.
A national newspaper for prisoners. Includes news, articles and letters.
Independent charity, working for humane and effective reform of the penal system in England and Wales: consultative status with UN, NGO working with the UK Government.
The National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders. Works with ex-offenders, disadvantaged people and deprived communities. Includes campaign news and events diary.
Aims to create a just, humane, and effective penal system. Research, publications, current projects, and event information.
Independent organisation working with the Criminal Justice System to promote the effective practice of working with criminal offenders
Last update:
November 9, 2021 at 10:26:35 UTC
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