Information about Chinese medicine and disease diagnosis. Practitioner background and qualifications, explanation of treatments offered, contact details and opening hours for practices in Limassol and Nicosia.
Specializing in holistic, natural alternative treatments. Lists services, library of health articles, common concerns, newsletter, courses, workshops, profile and contact details with location map.
Offers classes for Zumba, Pilates, Yoga, Ballet, and Dance in Strovolos. Each lesson accommodates a small number of students in each class. Schedule, photo and video galleries, and contact details with location map.
Offers training courses for First Aid at Work and the use of AED equipment. Company profile, contact details, course content, availability, locations, and pricing.
Company profile, explanation of hearing loss and tinnitus, aids available, other services offered, and contact details for main office in Nicosia and branches in Larnaca, Limassol, and Paphos.
Official web site of organization aiming at promoting acupuncture. Association objectives, executive committee, list of members, and contact details. [English/Greek]
UN health agency provides news, information and statistics on the country's public health issues and services, professional health workers, disease outbreaks, and government legislation and expenditures. [Multi languages]