This sub-category is devoted to sites for and about Iran.
Iran comprises a land area of over 1.629.918 million square kilometers. It is located in the south west of Asia and is a middle-eastern country. Iran is in the northern temperate zone, between latitudes 25 degree north and 39 degree 47' north and between longitude 44 degree 02' east and 63 degree 20' east.
Iran is bordered by Turkmenistan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan and Armenia in the North; Afghanistan and Pakistan in the East; the Oman sea and the Persian Gulf in the South; and Iraq and Turkey in the West.
According to the 1996 census, the total population was 60,055,488. The population density was 36.7 people/km^2 and 61.3 percent of the population lives in urban areas.
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June 6, 2024 at 22:15:06 UTC

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