For practicing assessors who evaluate property for taxation purposes. Also provides related products and services to members, the public and Alberta municipalities. Provides organisation profile, current events and contact details.
The APCA represents painting contractors in the province with a focus on commercial and industrial projects. Contains membership information, details of the inspection program and apprenticeship.
Non-profit society providing leadership in provincial public housing issues and offering ongoing education, networking and support. Includes profile, bylaws, code of ethics, membership application, links and contacts.
American Production and Inventory Control Society, a professional organization for supply chain management and a provider of research, education and certification programs.
AAAF members have an extensive applied agricultural or environmental science background and believe strongly in the importance of the agricultural industry to society's well being.
A resource for consumers and businesses, providing company information reports, member roster, complaint form and information about scams and areas of consumer interest.
A non-profit organization that provides vegetation management industries, related agencies, and the public with communication and educational opportunities.