A non-profit organization that represents firms involved in asphalt and concrete manufacturing, grading, paving, utility construction, road and bridge building/ maintenance, blasting, and the supply of related goods and services.
Represents persons involved in building design, construction, testing and research. Provides information about membership categories, code and regulations, education, training and careers. Located in Richmond.
Non-profit association representing the residential construction industry professionals. Member directory, regional offices, mission statement, awards, newsletter, course and training information, and event calendar.
Supplier of roofing products and custom flashings. Staff email contact list and location addresses in Surrey, Parksville, Victoria, Burnaby, and Courtenay.
Dedicated to the interests of electrical contractors and their suppliers. Includes membership details, events, publications and a directory of chapters and staff. Located in Burnaby.
Specialty in commercial and residential overhead doors, also suppliers of hardware, gates and commercial doors. Includes product descriptions and photographs. Located in Nanaimo and Campbell River.
Construction and maintenance company involved in heavy civil, structural, highway and bridge maintenance, marine construction, and dredging, with offices in Delta, Victoria, and Duncan. Company history, achievements, and office locations.
Government legislated directory of residential builders who hold building permits to construct new homes in British Columbia and provide home warranty insurance.
Non-profit trade society representing the interests of residential heating contractors. Consumer information, courses, products, newsletter, and membership information.
An association of manufacturers, firms, and individuals engaged in the production of metal gusset plated wood trusses. Gives member list, contact details and related links.