Dr. John Cook. A multi-disciplinary, therapeutic community of psychologists and counsellors providing assessments, consultation, therapy, therapeutic products and training to individuals and companies.
Offered by denturist Robb J. McInnis. Includes credentials, details of products and services provided, FAQs, directions to the office and a location map.
A Compulsive Eating Behaviour and Related Issues counseling organization that is dedicated to providing support and recovery to those who eat compulsively. Offers list of services, articles and blog.
Certified specialist in restorative and implant dentistry. Includes credentials, details of services, photographs, new patient form, office hours and location map.
Offers state of the art cosmetic dentistry specializing in dental implants and prosthetic reconstructions. Includes details of services, photographs, FAQs, appointment request form, hours, and driving directions.
Tui Na is a traditional Chinese medicine deep tissue massage. Gracie Ang is a certified practitioner and also offers a holistic approach to diet and healing.
Private first aid training agency offering courses and a first aid re-stocking service. Features information about courses, company profile, and product details.
Helps people with developmental disabilities, providing residential, day service, respite, home-share and other individualized supports through host agency agreements. Contains history, accreditation report, and employment opportunities.
Offers range of dental services, from diagnostic to hygiene care to cosmetic services including tooth whitening. Describes staff and services and includes video tour of facilities.
A compounding pharmacy in Victoria B.C. Canada. They specialize in natural hormone replacement therapy and veterinary preparations. There is sterile laboratory on-site for producing injectables and eye drops.
Offers physiotherapy, acupuncture, cranio-sacral therapy, holistic health, and alternative medicine. Includes details of services provided, credentials, and payment options.