A small Mi’kmaq band established in 1972 consisting of three reserves: Morell Rear Reserve, Rocky Point Reserve, and Scotchfort Reserve. Includes programs and services, staff directory, and information for the annual wawiomi. Headquarters in Scotchfort .
Carries out activities that support French as a second language (FSL) learning both inside and outside of the classroom. Features activities, programs and resources.
A not-for-profit Tribal Council and Provincial Territorial Organization (PTO) governed by a board of directors consisting of the band councils from Lennox Island and Abegweit First Nations. Includes programs and services, events, and photos. [Headquarters in Charlottetown]
Self-governing authority for all off-reserve Aboriginal people living on Epekwitk (P.E.I). Provides the executives and staff profiles, programs, events, and media. [Headquarters in Charlottetown.]