This category provides navigational links to categories that list sites for or about eating and/or drinking establishments *with locations across the United States.* Restaurants or bars with only one location will NOT be listed here. They should be submitted to the Business_and_Economy sub-category of the region, state, country, or locality.
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Virginia Hayes Dalbeck, chef and restaurant owner.
Contains his biography, recipes, restaurant details, and gift certificates.
Order food delivery and takeout from local restaurants in cities in the United States.
A private cigar club. Offers special cigar events, relaxed seating in luxurious setting and sales of fine imported premium cigars, cigar lighters and cigar smokers accessories, and A Fuente coffees.
Includes Cafe Spiaggia, Fulton's Crab House, and Wolfgang Puck Grand Cafe. Information on locations, reservation requirements, hours and special events.
Chain with locations in many U.S. states, aiming to serve healthy and nutritious selections including salads, soups, and wraps, pasta, vegetarian dishes, and low-carb options.
A family owned restaurant specializing in European dishes: Danish Aebelskivers, Swedish Crepes, Hungarian Goulash.
Virginia Hayes Dalbeck, chef and restaurant owner.
A family owned restaurant specializing in European dishes: Danish Aebelskivers, Swedish Crepes, Hungarian Goulash.
Chain with locations in many U.S. states, aiming to serve healthy and nutritious selections including salads, soups, and wraps, pasta, vegetarian dishes, and low-carb options.
Order food delivery and takeout from local restaurants in cities in the United States.
A private cigar club. Offers special cigar events, relaxed seating in luxurious setting and sales of fine imported premium cigars, cigar lighters and cigar smokers accessories, and A Fuente coffees.
Includes Cafe Spiaggia, Fulton's Crab House, and Wolfgang Puck Grand Cafe. Information on locations, reservation requirements, hours and special events.
Contains his biography, recipes, restaurant details, and gift certificates.

Last update:
July 22, 2024 at 15:42:21 UTC

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