History of the U.S. Senate.
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Information from C-Span about Senator Joseph McCarthy and his famous hearings to root out communists inside and outside the U.S. Government during the 1950's.
Input the name of any Senator or Congressman in history, and retrieve a biography or biographical information.
Information from the Washington Post about the Iran-Contra Hearings in the U.S. Senate during the Reagan Administration, which featured witnesses such as Oliver North and John Poindexter.
Lists senators since 1789, plus committee chairs, women, and minorities. Also, senators who have served longest, been appointed, changed parties, joined third parties, and become president. And, salaries, leaders, tie-breakers, chronology, meeting places, expulsions, censures, treaties, impeachments, and nominations.
Ervin chaired the Senate Watergate Committee that transfixed the nation and brought down President Richard Nixon.
Information from C-Span about Senator Joseph McCarthy and his famous hearings to root out communists inside and outside the U.S. Government during the 1950's.
Input the name of any Senator or Congressman in history, and retrieve a biography or biographical information.
Ervin chaired the Senate Watergate Committee that transfixed the nation and brought down President Richard Nixon.
Lists senators since 1789, plus committee chairs, women, and minorities. Also, senators who have served longest, been appointed, changed parties, joined third parties, and become president. And, salaries, leaders, tie-breakers, chronology, meeting places, expulsions, censures, treaties, impeachments, and nominations.
Information from the Washington Post about the Iran-Contra Hearings in the U.S. Senate during the Reagan Administration, which featured witnesses such as Oliver North and John Poindexter.

Last update:
August 27, 2023 at 5:55:07 UTC

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