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Offers a full range of programs, including child care, therapeutic day schools (for children with special needs), job training and assistance, special education programs, residential living services for people with mental retardation and/or other developmental disabilities. Several locations throughout the city.
Trivia, quotes, song lyrics, and humor about the Windy City.
Features schedule of meetings and Near Death Experiences (NDE) accounts. Local chapter of the International Association of Near-Death Studies.
Mission is strengthening families to care for children, and caring for children when families cannot. Offers residential treatment, foster care, youth shelters, and counseling services.
Promoting independence for the elderly and disabled, Includes details of its programs and services, donation requests, department coordinators, photo gallery, newsletters, and contacts.
Offers psychic Tarot card, palm and crystal readings. Includes a profile and details of services.
Offers psychic Tarot card, palm and crystal readings. Includes a profile and details of services.
Trivia, quotes, song lyrics, and humor about the Windy City.
Promoting independence for the elderly and disabled, Includes details of its programs and services, donation requests, department coordinators, photo gallery, newsletters, and contacts.
Offers a full range of programs, including child care, therapeutic day schools (for children with special needs), job training and assistance, special education programs, residential living services for people with mental retardation and/or other developmental disabilities. Several locations throughout the city.
Mission is strengthening families to care for children, and caring for children when families cannot. Offers residential treatment, foster care, youth shelters, and counseling services.
Features schedule of meetings and Near Death Experiences (NDE) accounts. Local chapter of the International Association of Near-Death Studies.
Last update:
January 18, 2024 at 7:45:02 UTC
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