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Wiki about the New York politician.
Short biography along with political party, years of service in Congress and bibliography.
Videos and transcripts of appearances on C-SPAN.
Information on sponsored and cosponsored legislation. From the Library of Congress.
Official campaign finance reports and data from the Federal Election Commission.
Tracking agreement and disagreement with Donald Trump.
Campaign financial records as candidate, contributor and officeholder. Variant spellings and information not included. Intended for journalists, scholars and attorneys rather than the general public.
Ratings from the conservative and libertarian (Tea Party) advocacy group.
Legislative profile and bill tracking.
Brief profile with collected news and commentary about the New York politician, from a Capitol Hill and political perspective.
Lists of film and television appearances along with related videos.
Formatted profile of the New York politician.
Provides quotes and background on various international, domestic, economic and social issues. Includes profile, contact data, forum and voter match.
Career profile of campaign funds raised and spent.
Collected news, headlines, analysis, photos and videos about the politician.
Truth-o-meter fact-checking of statements by the New York politician. A project of the Tampa Bay Times.
Legislator profile includes bills, votes and statements, along with a link to the Election Databot. Interactive database with API.
Provides a biography, committee assignments, campaign finances, voting record, issue positions, interest group ratings, speeches and public statements
Crowd-sourced encyclopedia article about the New York politician.
Legislator profile includes bills, votes and statements, along with a link to the Election Databot. Interactive database with API.
Tracking agreement and disagreement with Donald Trump.
Provides a biography, committee assignments, campaign finances, voting record, issue positions, interest group ratings, speeches and public statements
Videos and transcripts of appearances on C-SPAN.
Campaign financial records as candidate, contributor and officeholder. Variant spellings and information not included. Intended for journalists, scholars and attorneys rather than the general public.
Ratings from the conservative and libertarian (Tea Party) advocacy group.
Brief profile with collected news and commentary about the New York politician, from a Capitol Hill and political perspective.
Collected news, headlines, analysis, photos and videos about the politician.
Wiki about the New York politician.
Official campaign finance reports and data from the Federal Election Commission.
Legislative profile and bill tracking.
Information on sponsored and cosponsored legislation. From the Library of Congress.
Formatted profile of the New York politician.
Career profile of campaign funds raised and spent.
Truth-o-meter fact-checking of statements by the New York politician. A project of the Tampa Bay Times.
Provides quotes and background on various international, domestic, economic and social issues. Includes profile, contact data, forum and voter match.
Lists of film and television appearances along with related videos.
Short biography along with political party, years of service in Congress and bibliography.
Crowd-sourced encyclopedia article about the New York politician.
Last update:
January 14, 2024 at 6:25:09 UTC
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