Bordering the Texas panhandle, Roger Mills County was opened to settlement in the land run into the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservations on April 19, 1892. It was designated County "F," and Cheyenne was the county seat. In November 1892, an election changed the name to honor Roger Q. Mills of Texas, a former U.S. Senator.
The Antelope Hills once marked the international line between the United States and Mexico, and Coronado made mention of them as a campsite in 1541. The California Road to the gold mines of the West crossed the area in 1849, commemorated by a marker north of Roll. West of Cheyenne is the marker commemorating the Battle of the Washita where General George Armstrong Custer raided a Cheyenne Indian village on November 27, 1868.
Roger Mills County lies atop the rich Anadarko Basin and has many oil and gas wells. It enjoyed a boom period in the late 1970s and early 1980s, but agriculture is the mainstay and most of the large ranches are still owned and operated by the same families that first settled them. The construction of the first series of upstream dams in the late 1940s at Sandstone followed the ruinous dust storms of the 1930s. These pioneering efforts helped develop land and water conservation projects throughout the United States.
Location: Roger Mills County borders the Texas state line in western Oklahoma.
Climate: The average precipitation is 30.6 inches yearly in this area. January's average temperature is 41.4 and July's average is 80.2.
County Seat: Cheyenne
Distances: Cheyenne to: Altus - 80 miles Oklahoma City - 138 miles
Land Area: 1,146 square miles of wide prairie including a large area of national grasslands
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September 11, 2018 at 2:26:24 UTC

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Arts: Literature: World Literature: Canadian: Authors: Novelists: Hollingshead, Greg
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