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All Pennsylvania-based or PA-affiliated educational associations, groups, or clubs belong in this category. Any organization that offers goods or services to teachers, students, or other educational target audiences in PA belongs here.
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Legal advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring access by Pennsylvania's children to a quality public education. Information about activities, services, and publications.
Provides professional development, research, networking and legal advice to its members. Includes services, membership, publications and resources.
Leadership for schools Pennsylvania.
Official site with information about the association's history, organization, and operation. Includes a listing of chapter presidents, state board members, and state officers.
A nonprofit organization to facilite the provision of quality early care and education to children. Membership, programs, conferences and events, and contact details.
Promotes various kinds of speech activities in high schools within the state. Includes directory of member schools, events, tournament results, membership application form, and publications.
Advocate for public education and local school governance, and be responsive to the needs of boards of school directors.
Provides professional development, research, networking and legal advice to its members. Includes services, membership, publications and resources.
A nonprofit organization to facilite the provision of quality early care and education to children. Membership, programs, conferences and events, and contact details.
Promotes various kinds of speech activities in high schools within the state. Includes directory of member schools, events, tournament results, membership application form, and publications.
Legal advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring access by Pennsylvania's children to a quality public education. Information about activities, services, and publications.
Leadership for schools Pennsylvania.
Advocate for public education and local school governance, and be responsive to the needs of boards of school directors.
Official site with information about the association's history, organization, and operation. Includes a listing of chapter presidents, state board members, and state officers.
Last update:
September 26, 2022 at 5:15:06 UTC
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