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Images and information on hundreds of wild plants found in the southeastern US, with a collection of the photographer's stock photos of wildlife and other nature and natural history subjects.
Regional, community-based, non-profit environmental organization in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Information about projects and issues.
Organization working to preserve and restore native forest ecosystems in the southeastern United States; includes current research, details on campaigns, chipmills, and ways to get involved.
Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 4-state region.
Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 3-state region.
Studies low-oxygen waters in the Gulf of Mexico, particularly near the terminus of the Mississippi River.
Nonprofit organization engaged in cave conservation in the southeastern states, through acquisition, management, and education of cavers and the public. Includes organization and membership information, details of caves owned, legal information, advice for cave owners, and links to related sites.
About exotic plants invading natural areas in the southeastern states, controlling invasive plants, and landscaping with native plants.
Scientific organization dedicated to the study and conservation of freshwater and coastal fishes of the region. Organization information and abstracts and listings of publications.
Nonprofit advocacy organization that protects the environmental quality and outstanding natural resources of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.
Regional compact of 16 states plus Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, promoting innovations in energy and environment. Describes the organization, its committees, meetings, and activities; and provides research reports on renewable energy, clean coal, recycling, and other topics.
A resource for urban forestry Information in the southern region, including tree ordinances, manual and other publications, events announcements, technical contacts.
Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 3-state region.
Online USGS report describes the groundwater resources of this 4-state region.
Studies low-oxygen waters in the Gulf of Mexico, particularly near the terminus of the Mississippi River.
A resource for urban forestry Information in the southern region, including tree ordinances, manual and other publications, events announcements, technical contacts.
Nonprofit advocacy organization that protects the environmental quality and outstanding natural resources of Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.
Scientific organization dedicated to the study and conservation of freshwater and coastal fishes of the region. Organization information and abstracts and listings of publications.
Organization working to preserve and restore native forest ecosystems in the southeastern United States; includes current research, details on campaigns, chipmills, and ways to get involved.
Images and information on hundreds of wild plants found in the southeastern US, with a collection of the photographer's stock photos of wildlife and other nature and natural history subjects.
About exotic plants invading natural areas in the southeastern states, controlling invasive plants, and landscaping with native plants.
Regional compact of 16 states plus Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, promoting innovations in energy and environment. Describes the organization, its committees, meetings, and activities; and provides research reports on renewable energy, clean coal, recycling, and other topics.
Nonprofit organization engaged in cave conservation in the southeastern states, through acquisition, management, and education of cavers and the public. Includes organization and membership information, details of caves owned, legal information, advice for cave owners, and links to related sites.
Regional, community-based, non-profit environmental organization in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Information about projects and issues.
Last update:
January 16, 2024 at 19:05:05 UTC
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