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General information on Lubbock County plus info on cities that do not have enough sites for separate locality subcategories. Websites covering all aspects of the cities of Lubbock, Abernathy and Slaton are primarily found in Regional: US: Texas: Localities: L: Lubbock; Regional: US: Texas: Localities: A: Abernathy; and Regional: US: Texas: Localities: S: Slaton
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Information such as fishing regulations, access points, and geography from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife.
Political representation, census data, many media sources are all found here.
History of the town part of the Roosevelt school district in east central Lubbock County.
History of this town in southwestern Lubbock County.
Short history of this town in northeast Lubbock County.
History of this town in northwestern Lubbock County.
History of this community recreation area.
History of the town once also known as Canyon School or Wheelock and part of the Roosevelt school district in east central Lubbock County.
Short history on the town named for rancher W.A. Carlisle and annexed to Lubbock in 1984.
History of this settlement in north central Lubbock County.
History of this town northwest of Lubbock and west of Abernathy.
Profile of the small town in northeastern Lubbock County.
Short history of the town in western Lubbock County.
History of this ranch that once comprised most of the southern half of Lubbock County.
History of this east central Lubbock County town.
History of the town in north-central Lubbock County.
Short history of a perhaps now-extinct town in Lubbock County.
History of this town in southeast Lubbock County and part of the Roosevelt school district.
History of the short-lived town also known as South Town or Ray Town which was consolidated with Lubbock to form present-day Lubbock.
Short history of this town in southeastern Lubbock County.
History of the now-closed Lubbock County base.
Brief history of this at one time government-owned community at the eastern edge of the former Reese Air Force Base in western Lubbock County.
History of this community in southern Lubbock County, the second oldest town, formerly known as Block Twenty.
Short biography of Lubbock County's namesake.
History of this south central Lubbock County community, whose school was consolidated with Cooper school.
History of this town in the extreme southern part of Lubbock County, containing Cooper school.
Amateur radio Emergency Communications services.
Information such as fishing regulations, access points, and geography from the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife.
Short history of this town in southeastern Lubbock County.
History of the short-lived town also known as South Town or Ray Town which was consolidated with Lubbock to form present-day Lubbock.
History of this town northwest of Lubbock and west of Abernathy.
History of this community in southern Lubbock County, the second oldest town, formerly known as Block Twenty.
Brief history of this at one time government-owned community at the eastern edge of the former Reese Air Force Base in western Lubbock County.
History of the town in north-central Lubbock County.
Short history of the town in western Lubbock County.
Short biography of Lubbock County's namesake.
Profile of the small town in northeastern Lubbock County.
History of this town in southwestern Lubbock County.
History of this town in southeast Lubbock County and part of the Roosevelt school district.
History of this east central Lubbock County town.
History of this ranch that once comprised most of the southern half of Lubbock County.
History of this south central Lubbock County community, whose school was consolidated with Cooper school.
History of this community recreation area.
History of the now-closed Lubbock County base.
History of this town in northwestern Lubbock County.
Political representation, census data, many media sources are all found here.
Short history of this town in northeast Lubbock County.
History of the town once also known as Canyon School or Wheelock and part of the Roosevelt school district in east central Lubbock County.
History of this town in the extreme southern part of Lubbock County, containing Cooper school.
History of the town part of the Roosevelt school district in east central Lubbock County.
Short history on the town named for rancher W.A. Carlisle and annexed to Lubbock in 1984.
Short history of a perhaps now-extinct town in Lubbock County.
Amateur radio Emergency Communications services.
History of this settlement in north central Lubbock County.
Last update:
December 24, 2022 at 17:55:20 UTC
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