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Listings in Texas/Education

Children's Courtyard
Early childhood education, with locations in Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Houston areas. Give information on teacher training, employment, programs, and certifications.
Education Career Alternatives Program
ECAP is an alternative teacher certification program designed for candidates who hold a bachelors degree, meet application requirements, and become highly qualified to obtain a Texas teaching certificate.
Offering online Texas teacher certifications and other educational information and resources.
KERA Educational Resources
Monthly schedules of programming on KDTN 2 and KERA 13 public television stations, and related educator materials.
Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation
Compendium of Texas colleges and financial aid calendar.
Stepping Stone School
Offers programs for children 18 months to 5 years of age. FAQs, testimonials, a list of corporate partners, curriculum, enrollment form, and a list of locations in Austin, Round Rock, Leander, and College Station.
Offers online alternative certification for the state of Texas. Along with information and resources for prospective teachers.
Teacher Retirement System (TRS)
Providing retirement and related benefits for employees of public schools, colleges, and universities. Includes information about investments, retirement account access, training, upcoming legislation, and agency administration and employment.
Teaching Jobs in Texas
Allows education career seekers to find employers seeking to fill teaching jobs and other education related employment in Texas.
Texans for Better Science Education
A statewide, grassroots organization dedicated to maintaining the professionalism of science education in Texas public schools and the integrity of science in the Texas public school curriculum.
Texas Academic Decathlon
Academic competition for students from all academic backgrounds, and both public and private high schools. Regional and state competitions advance to an annual nationals event.
Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering
Focuses on increasing and strengthening minority and female participation in the engineering, scientific and computer science professions.
Texas Education Agency (TEA)
Information for the Texas education community.
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation
Information, publications, and forms for schools, lenders, and borrowers.
Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan
Prepaid higher education tuition program that is now closed to new enrollment.
Texas International Education Consortium
TIEC is an organization of 32 public universities in Texas whose purpose includes developing, coordinating and conducting international education programs. Information on programs, affiliated universities, and staff.
Texas School for the Deaf
A residential school for deaf or hard-of-hearing Texas students, ages 0-22.
Texas Schoolhouses
Showcasing Texas historic schoolhouses, contemporary and vintage photos; articles on Texas educations.
Texas Schools
Source of elementary, middle and high school information for public, private and charter schools. Access Choosing Schools, Track School Performance and the Parent Resource Center to learn about school performance and help your child succeed.
Texas Schools Career Services
Includes links to jobs available for teachers and administrators listed by school district, open across the state. Job Fair calendar included.
The Texas Schools Project (TSP)
The TSP brings together individual level data from multiple Texas state agencies, school districts, as well as other sources to support independent, high-quality academic research. Projects, papers, alliances, upcoming events and affiliated researchers.
Texas State Billing Services, Inc.
Medicaid billing and consulting services to Texas School Districts.
Texas Teachers of Tomorrow
Offers an alternative teaching certification program for state of Texas. Also acts as a resource center with tips on state certification tests and teaching job resources in Texas.
Texas Tomorrow Funds
Prepaid higher education tuition programs.
Offers study tips and practice questions for the various TExES exams.
Vista College
Offers career training in business, legal, medical, and technology job fields in El Paso, Texas and Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Yellow Brick Path
Executive and professional resume writing services in Richardson, Dallas etc. - Juggling 3 School Goals, Texas Trips
Low taxes, good schools and equal access to public education for the rich and the poor are clashing in Texas, and one of them will likely give very soon. [Requires free registration to view.]
(October 30, 2002)
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