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The Science and Environment category focuses on the state's natural environment as well as scientific activities in Wyoming.
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Narrative written by the State Climatologists and published by the National Climatic Data Center.
Eliminates safety hazards, repairs environmental damage from past mining, and assists communities impacted by mining. Includes information on programs and resources.
Monitors air resources, and through permitting and inspection programs works to keep the air clean and healthy. Provides information on programs and resources.
Responsible for reviewing impacts of major industrial developments before issuing permits. Provides news, a council member listing and resources.
A division of the Department of Environmental Quality that ensures mining practices minimize impacts to the environment, and areas are properly restored after mining is complete. Provides board members, news, and resources.
Ensures proper handling and disposal of wastes, and manages programs for the cleanup of previously contaminated sites. Includes information on programs and resources.
Responsible for monitoring and protecting the quality of water resources to keep it clean and healthy. Provides information on programs and resources.
Information about the adverse impacts of coal bed methane gas development in the Powder River Basin, concerns of surface landowners, and opportunities for activism on this issue.
Nonprofit organization, dedicated to ensuring the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat.
Antelope preservation and management through the development of supplemental water resources in selected areas. Provides news and events.
An article written by Carl Hallberg on water projects. Focuses on water management.
A society that ensures wildlife and their habitats are conserved through management actions that take into careful consideration relevant scientific information. Features newsletters, funds, publications and membership information.
Established in 1981. Dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of the native flora and plant communities of the state. Includes membership details, newsletters, activities and contacts.
Affiliated with National Rural Water Association (NRWA). Provides on-site, technical assistance to small municipalities and all rural water and wastewater districts throughout the state. Includes membership list, job openings and a training schedule.
Formed in 1937 and is a conservation and recreation advocacy organization. Includes membership details, events calendar, issues update, photos, and contact information.
An article written by Carl Hallberg on water projects. Focuses on water management.
Narrative written by the State Climatologists and published by the National Climatic Data Center.
Ensures proper handling and disposal of wastes, and manages programs for the cleanup of previously contaminated sites. Includes information on programs and resources.
Eliminates safety hazards, repairs environmental damage from past mining, and assists communities impacted by mining. Includes information on programs and resources.
Responsible for reviewing impacts of major industrial developments before issuing permits. Provides news, a council member listing and resources.
A society that ensures wildlife and their habitats are conserved through management actions that take into careful consideration relevant scientific information. Features newsletters, funds, publications and membership information.
A division of the Department of Environmental Quality that ensures mining practices minimize impacts to the environment, and areas are properly restored after mining is complete. Provides board members, news, and resources.
Responsible for monitoring and protecting the quality of water resources to keep it clean and healthy. Provides information on programs and resources.
Nonprofit organization, dedicated to ensuring the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat.
Monitors air resources, and through permitting and inspection programs works to keep the air clean and healthy. Provides information on programs and resources.
Antelope preservation and management through the development of supplemental water resources in selected areas. Provides news and events.
Information about the adverse impacts of coal bed methane gas development in the Powder River Basin, concerns of surface landowners, and opportunities for activism on this issue.
Established in 1981. Dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of the native flora and plant communities of the state. Includes membership details, newsletters, activities and contacts.
Formed in 1937 and is a conservation and recreation advocacy organization. Includes membership details, events calendar, issues update, photos, and contact information.
Affiliated with National Rural Water Association (NRWA). Provides on-site, technical assistance to small municipalities and all rural water and wastewater districts throughout the state. Includes membership list, job openings and a training schedule.
Last update:
January 7, 2025 at 16:20:10 UTC
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