This category is for sites about the wildlife, plant life, geology or weather of Guam, or for any other natural phenomena that characterize the island.
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Humorous essays about Guam's wildlife, including brown tree snakes, bagworms, mosquitoes, flatworms, slugs, carabao, pigs, toads, chickens, lice, balate, dogs, lizards, flies, ants, wasps and cockroaches!
An article about one of Guam's endangered birds.
This site is devoted to the freshwater microfauna of Guam, and includes descriptions and drawings of organisms including ciliates, amoebae, rotifers, flatworms, gastrotrichs and annelids.
The College of Natural and Applied Sciences at the University of Guam lists plants, describes their characteristics, provides photographs, and gives plant names in Chamoru and English along with their scientific names.
Brief descriptions of Guams minerals and rocks, and where to find them.
Humorous and informative essays about Guam life, including Talofofo Beach, Fafa'i Beach, earthquakes and plants.
Seismicity map and earthquake history.
Seismicity map and earthquake history.
The College of Natural and Applied Sciences at the University of Guam lists plants, describes their characteristics, provides photographs, and gives plant names in Chamoru and English along with their scientific names.
An article about one of Guam's endangered birds.
Humorous and informative essays about Guam life, including Talofofo Beach, Fafa'i Beach, earthquakes and plants.
Humorous essays about Guam's wildlife, including brown tree snakes, bagworms, mosquitoes, flatworms, slugs, carabao, pigs, toads, chickens, lice, balate, dogs, lizards, flies, ants, wasps and cockroaches!
Brief descriptions of Guams minerals and rocks, and where to find them.
This site is devoted to the freshwater microfauna of Guam, and includes descriptions and drawings of organisms including ciliates, amoebae, rotifers, flatworms, gastrotrichs and annelids.
Last update:
February 5, 2021 at 16:27:30 UTC
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Science: Environment: Biodiversity: Agricultural: Seed Savers
- Recently edited by merlin1
- Recently edited by merlin1