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This category contains links to history sites in Oceania.
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University of New England (Armidale, NSW) organization founded to promote the teaching, study and understanding of economic history. Research and announcements.
H-Net discussion group dedicated to the history and culture of these nations. Features subject overview, archives, message threads, journals, search, links to related lists and resources, and subscription details.
Collection of the top 50 classic World War II victory posters.
Detailed information on origins and migration history, as well as individual stories and theories, forums, and links.
First part of an article on the movements and settlements by Polynesians in the Pacific by Dennis Kawaharada.
History of the U.S.'s capture of Guam during the Spanish American War, and life in Hawaii at the time.
Traditional navigation by the original inhabitants of the Central Caroline Islands. Based on research by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
University of New England (Armidale, NSW) organization founded to promote the teaching, study and understanding of economic history. Research and announcements.
First part of an article on the movements and settlements by Polynesians in the Pacific by Dennis Kawaharada.
Traditional navigation by the original inhabitants of the Central Caroline Islands. Based on research by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Detailed information on origins and migration history, as well as individual stories and theories, forums, and links.
History of the U.S.'s capture of Guam during the Spanish American War, and life in Hawaii at the time.
H-Net discussion group dedicated to the history and culture of these nations. Features subject overview, archives, message threads, journals, search, links to related lists and resources, and subscription details.
Collection of the top 50 classic World War II victory posters.

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Last update:
June 19, 2018 at 17:32:45 UTC
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