Forestry Research institutes are those bodies, usually associated with University, governmental agency or non-profit cooperatives whose mission is to collect, analyze and disseminate information about forestry and forestry related topics.
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Information on research, outreach, history, publications and programs.
Details include publications, software for download, and details of research and projects.
Pack forest provides virtual hikes, educational programs, interactive games and tours, videos and information on research, events and outreach. Geospatial data, conference center bookings, timber sales and forest operations information.
Concentrates on research and publications about tropical forestry and sociology in developing nations. Research abstracts, publications, job opportunities and software downloads.
The principal forestry field station of the University of Minnesota. It serves as a regional and national center for instructional, research, and outreach programs for the natural resources community.
A multi-disciplinary research effort to analyze the aggregate ecological, economic, and social consequences of forest policies of different land owners in the Coast Range. Links to maps, projects, data, publications and general information.
An independent non-governmental organisation conducting European forest research.
Part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Addressing the problem of how to use forest resources to improve people's condition while ensuring that the resource is conserved to meet the needs of future generations.
Contract research in forestry, wood quality, wood properties, pulp and paper, sawmilling, remote sensing; and software programs for the forestry and forest products industry.
University of Pretoria, specializes in research on forest pests and diseases.
Focuses on sustainability, industry, rural community development, productivity and environmental conservation.
Description and links to all of U.C. Berkeley's research forests. Publications, research, outreach, lecture series and calendar of events.
A base for research and education in forest biology. Focus on silviculture and forest management, soils and the development of forest site concepts, the biology of temperate and tropical trees, forest ecology and economics and ecosystem dynamics. Links to research data, publications, education and outreach.
Located in the Pacific Northwest. Offers research data, publications, and information as well as links to other Long-term ecological research sites(LTER).
Professor Stephen Sillett is undertaking canopy research to expand knowledge of redwood forests and their ecology.
Provides membership information, research publications, conference and meeting information, and links to individual country sub-groups.
Established under the Science and Technology policy adopted by the Government of Kerala as an autonomous institution to undertake research in forestry and biodiversity.
Contains information on the history of the forest, conference center, research programs, ecosystem learning center and staff.
An independent research organization under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It produces research-based information for decision-makers, forest industries and practical forestry, as well as for the public at large.
Ireland based site containing information on research publications, news, events, funding programs and vacancies.
Living laboratories where active forest management practices provide teaching, research and demonstration opportunities for students of all ages, forest managers, and Oregonians. Links to research, inventories, geospatial data, recreation, and all of the university's research forests.
Objective is to use better technology to manage forests in rural areas for increased product and environmental values in support of local communities. Links to projects, calendar, seminars and publications.
Aims to teach ecological principles to forestry managers. Russia.
Conducts research in forestry resource science and technology for forest sustainability and productivity in southern ecosystems and environmental quality.
Provides scientific understanding and technology to support sound management and conservation of forest and rangeland ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West. FRESC employs research scientists, technical professionals, and administrative staff with expertise in a wide range of program areas.
Information on research, outreach, history, publications and programs.
Concentrates on research and publications about tropical forestry and sociology in developing nations. Research abstracts, publications, job opportunities and software downloads.
Established under the Science and Technology policy adopted by the Government of Kerala as an autonomous institution to undertake research in forestry and biodiversity.
Conducts research in forestry resource science and technology for forest sustainability and productivity in southern ecosystems and environmental quality.
Professor Stephen Sillett is undertaking canopy research to expand knowledge of redwood forests and their ecology.
Provides membership information, research publications, conference and meeting information, and links to individual country sub-groups.
Aims to teach ecological principles to forestry managers. Russia.
Located in the Pacific Northwest. Offers research data, publications, and information as well as links to other Long-term ecological research sites(LTER).
Contains information on the history of the forest, conference center, research programs, ecosystem learning center and staff.
Living laboratories where active forest management practices provide teaching, research and demonstration opportunities for students of all ages, forest managers, and Oregonians. Links to research, inventories, geospatial data, recreation, and all of the university's research forests.
Description and links to all of U.C. Berkeley's research forests. Publications, research, outreach, lecture series and calendar of events.
An independent non-governmental organisation conducting European forest research.
An independent research organization under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It produces research-based information for decision-makers, forest industries and practical forestry, as well as for the public at large.
Details include publications, software for download, and details of research and projects.
Objective is to use better technology to manage forests in rural areas for increased product and environmental values in support of local communities. Links to projects, calendar, seminars and publications.
A multi-disciplinary research effort to analyze the aggregate ecological, economic, and social consequences of forest policies of different land owners in the Coast Range. Links to maps, projects, data, publications and general information.
Ireland based site containing information on research publications, news, events, funding programs and vacancies.
The principal forestry field station of the University of Minnesota. It serves as a regional and national center for instructional, research, and outreach programs for the natural resources community.
Part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Addressing the problem of how to use forest resources to improve people's condition while ensuring that the resource is conserved to meet the needs of future generations.
University of Pretoria, specializes in research on forest pests and diseases.
Contract research in forestry, wood quality, wood properties, pulp and paper, sawmilling, remote sensing; and software programs for the forestry and forest products industry.
Pack forest provides virtual hikes, educational programs, interactive games and tours, videos and information on research, events and outreach. Geospatial data, conference center bookings, timber sales and forest operations information.
Focuses on sustainability, industry, rural community development, productivity and environmental conservation.
Provides scientific understanding and technology to support sound management and conservation of forest and rangeland ecosystems in the Pacific Northwest and Intermountain West. FRESC employs research scientists, technical professionals, and administrative staff with expertise in a wide range of program areas.
A base for research and education in forest biology. Focus on silviculture and forest management, soils and the development of forest site concepts, the biology of temperate and tropical trees, forest ecology and economics and ecosystem dynamics. Links to research data, publications, education and outreach.
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October 19, 2023 at 6:45:08 UTC

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