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Science Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable agriculture implies use of renewable or reusable resources rather than consumption and exhaustion of finite resources. Sustainable agriculture means a system of food production that over many years, is environmentally neutral or beneficial, is economically viable, and produces good quality food and other goods in large quantities to meet world needs.
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A sustainable agriculture information center that provides technical assistance to farmers, market gardeners and extension agents on farming topics: sustainable, organic, alternative, crops, livestock, and pest control.
Blog about a novice farmer's experiences.
U.S. non-profit organization formed to foster knowledge of biodynamic methods of agriculture, horticulture and forestry and undertake educational activities. Produces a journal and promotes CSA.
Provides the tools and means to help farmers in sub-Saharan Africa increase their crop yields through agricultural development.
Organization dedicated to increasing ecological sustainability and social justice in the food and agriculture system. Situated at the University of California, Santa Cruz, it undertakes research, education and community outreach and runs an organic garden and farm.
A sustainable agriculture research center at the University of Wisconsin. Details of research, local involvement.
Promotes earth-regenerating and socially just mini-farming, with news, articles and resources for the micro eco-farming community.
Mission is to contribute to food security and poverty eradication in developing countries through research, partnership, capacity building, and policy support, and promoting sustainable agricultural development based on the environmentally sound management of natural resources.
Mission is to increase understanding of plant biology; apply new knowledge to help sustain productivity in agriculture, forestry and allied fields; facilitate the rapid development and commercialization of promising technologies and products; contribute to the education and training of students, scientists and technicians from around the world.
Describes objectives, which are to improve social auditing processes in agriculture. Also organizational details and partner information.
Aims to develop an agricultural system with the ecological stability of natural grasslands, as well as a high grain yield.
The center's objectives are to reduce negative impacts of agriculture on natural resources and rural communities, to develop profitable farming systems that conserve natural resources, and to inform the public of new research findings.
Based at UC Davis, LTRAS is a long-term comparison of 10 conventional, organic and alternative cropping systems, both irrigated and nonirrigated.
A research and education institute for biodynamic, sustainable, and organic agriculture. Staff directory, newsletter, reports, workshop schedule, and news.
Partnership between the College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota and the Sustainers' Coalition. Cooperative effort to develop and promote sustainable agriculture.
Organization set up to influence federal agriculture policy. It supports family farms, works to protect natural resources, promote healthy rural communities and provide nutritious and healthy food to consumers.
Independently certifies and labels farmers' use of stringent environmental and sustainable growing standards.
Provides resources for the integration of agriculture into urban planning. Website holds a number of papers and links to related sites.
Details of research and promotion of sustainable farming practices.
International organization of producers, distributors, conservationists and other stakeholders. Includes details of current projects, and resources to download. Based in Switzerland and Malaysia.
Charitable organization dedicated to the health and vitality of the earth through the preservation and promotion of heritage seeds.
A journal in support of independent family farmers. Offering information on the use of animal-power, organics and sustainable agriculture. Lynn Miller is editor and publisher
Provides e-books about radical agriculture, natural hygiene/ nature cure and self-sufficiency.
Articles on agricultural themes, climate change, food security, gene patents, IPR and GM issues, from an Indian perspective.
Advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
Information on sustainable agriculture for producers. Grants available for sustainable agriculture projects.
AFSIC's directory of contacts, research sources, databases, Web sites and educational programs related to sustainable agriculture.
Provider of sustainable farming and environmental solutions using beneficial microorganisms that exist freely in nature.
Promotes improved and sustainable farming through better cultivation methods and crop diversification.
Provides information about research being conducted by the Altieri Lab at UC Berkeley on the management of non-crop vegetation for the enhancement of natural pest regulation in vineyard agroecosystems.
Provides e-books about radical agriculture, natural hygiene/ nature cure and self-sufficiency.
A sustainable agriculture information center that provides technical assistance to farmers, market gardeners and extension agents on farming topics: sustainable, organic, alternative, crops, livestock, and pest control.
Promotes earth-regenerating and socially just mini-farming, with news, articles and resources for the micro eco-farming community.
Provides resources for the integration of agriculture into urban planning. Website holds a number of papers and links to related sites.
A research and education institute for biodynamic, sustainable, and organic agriculture. Staff directory, newsletter, reports, workshop schedule, and news.
Information on sustainable agriculture for producers. Grants available for sustainable agriculture projects.
A journal in support of independent family farmers. Offering information on the use of animal-power, organics and sustainable agriculture. Lynn Miller is editor and publisher
Provides the tools and means to help farmers in sub-Saharan Africa increase their crop yields through agricultural development.
Describes objectives, which are to improve social auditing processes in agriculture. Also organizational details and partner information.
Organization set up to influence federal agriculture policy. It supports family farms, works to protect natural resources, promote healthy rural communities and provide nutritious and healthy food to consumers.
Articles on agricultural themes, climate change, food security, gene patents, IPR and GM issues, from an Indian perspective.
Charitable organization dedicated to the health and vitality of the earth through the preservation and promotion of heritage seeds.
Promotes improved and sustainable farming through better cultivation methods and crop diversification.
Blog about a novice farmer's experiences.
Provides information about research being conducted by the Altieri Lab at UC Berkeley on the management of non-crop vegetation for the enhancement of natural pest regulation in vineyard agroecosystems.
U.S. non-profit organization formed to foster knowledge of biodynamic methods of agriculture, horticulture and forestry and undertake educational activities. Produces a journal and promotes CSA.
Organization dedicated to increasing ecological sustainability and social justice in the food and agriculture system. Situated at the University of California, Santa Cruz, it undertakes research, education and community outreach and runs an organic garden and farm.
Provider of sustainable farming and environmental solutions using beneficial microorganisms that exist freely in nature.
AFSIC's directory of contacts, research sources, databases, Web sites and educational programs related to sustainable agriculture.
International organization of producers, distributors, conservationists and other stakeholders. Includes details of current projects, and resources to download. Based in Switzerland and Malaysia.
The center's objectives are to reduce negative impacts of agriculture on natural resources and rural communities, to develop profitable farming systems that conserve natural resources, and to inform the public of new research findings.
Details of research and promotion of sustainable farming practices.
Mission is to increase understanding of plant biology; apply new knowledge to help sustain productivity in agriculture, forestry and allied fields; facilitate the rapid development and commercialization of promising technologies and products; contribute to the education and training of students, scientists and technicians from around the world.
Advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture.
Independently certifies and labels farmers' use of stringent environmental and sustainable growing standards.
Partnership between the College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota and the Sustainers' Coalition. Cooperative effort to develop and promote sustainable agriculture.
A sustainable agriculture research center at the University of Wisconsin. Details of research, local involvement.
Based at UC Davis, LTRAS is a long-term comparison of 10 conventional, organic and alternative cropping systems, both irrigated and nonirrigated.
Mission is to contribute to food security and poverty eradication in developing countries through research, partnership, capacity building, and policy support, and promoting sustainable agricultural development based on the environmentally sound management of natural resources.
Aims to develop an agricultural system with the ecological stability of natural grasslands, as well as a high grain yield.

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Last update:
February 4, 2025 at 3:55:15 UTC
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