The Acariformes are the most diverse of the two superorders of mites. There are over 32,000 described species in 350 families.
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Provides photographs and a description of this species, with information on its distribution, life history, hosts and economic importance.
Provides photographs and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, life history, hosts, economic importance and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this coconut mite, with information on its distribution, detection and the damage it does.
Provides photographs and a description of this coconut mite, with information on its distribution, life history, ecology, hosts, damage, economic importance and management.
Images of male and female feather mites, sometimes classified as Megninia ginglymura.
Provides illustrations and a description of this false spider or flat mite, with information on its distribution, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this false spider mite or red and black flat mite, with information on its distribution, hosts, economic importance and management.
Photographs of these mites and information on their hosts, symptoms, life cycle and description.
Chiggers are the larvae of mites belonging to the family Trombiculidae. This article describes their biology, their preferred habitat and control measures.
Images of male and female mites and a photograph of a cow with chorioptic mange.
Photographic article by M. Halit Umar on the theme that life is a continuous interaction between organisms, in this case between man and the mite that lives in human hair follicles.
Enlarged images of the dog follicle mite and a skin scraping showing mites and larvae.
Photographs of the red chicken mite.
Provides illustrations and a description of these cosmopolitan mites, with information on their life stages and biology, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Photographs of these mites and information on their hosts and symptoms.
Provides a gallery of photographs of these creatures found in this region.
Information on Psorptes, Chorioptes and Sarcoptes mites that may infect goats, and the life cycle of each.
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension in Lancaster County factsheet and audio message on house dust mites (includes biology and control).
A study of the Pyroglyphidae including their ecology, physiology and their hygrothermal environment in beds and bedding.
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension factsheet and audio message on the biology and control of chiggers, which are the larvae of the harvest mite, Trombicula alfreddugesi.
Image of this scaly or depluming mite which infests birds.
Images of the cat fur mite.
Photographs of the house fly mite which hitches a lift between cowpats on a fly.
Characteristics and biology of the bird mites Demanyssus Gallinae and Ornithonyssus Sylviarum.
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension factsheet and audio focused on house dust mites and the scabies mite, Sarcoptes scabiei.
Illustrated article by Evan Sugden about Krombein's hairy-footed mite, Chaetodactylus krombeini, a pest of the orchard mason bee, and its control.
Information on the bird, insect and rodent mites that may attack humans in the absence of their normal hosts. Also the scabies mite and the house dust mite and their control.
Provides illustrations and a description of these predatory mites, with information on their distribution, life cycle and economic importance.
Images of the feline scabies mite, an infected cat and a skin scraping.
Provides illustrations and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, biology, hosts, economic importance and management.
Photograph of the tropical fowl mite and enlarged images of its shields and chelicerae.
Provides illustrations and a description of this nuisance mite, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Photograph of the northern fowl mite and an enlarged image of its sternal shield.
Images of male and female mites and photographs of a dog with otodectic mange.
Photographs of this mite and information on its hosts and symptoms.
Photographs of these mites and information on their hosts and symptoms.
Provides illustrations and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, biology, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Images of these mites and photographs of horses, sheep and a rabbit with psoroptic mange.
Provides photographs and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance, detection, damage done and management.
Photographs and information on the sarcoptic mange mite, and photographs of animals with infestations.
Information on Sarcoptes scabei, the human itch or mange mite, with diagrams and information on its life cycle.
Photographs of these pests and information on their hosts, symptoms, life cycle and description.
Provides illustrations and a description of this flat red mite, with information on its distribution, biology, hosts, economic importance and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance and management.
Illustrations of these pests, with information on their hosts, their description, life cycle and control.
Photographs of this mite on honeybees, with information on its hosts, symptoms, life cycle and description.
Provides photographs and a description of this ectoparasite of the honey bee, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
A gallery of fine photographs by Wim van Egmond of members of several genera.
Information on Sarcoptes scabei, the human itch or mange mite, with diagrams and information on its life cycle.
Photographs of these pests and information on their hosts, symptoms, life cycle and description.
Photographs of these mites and information on their hosts and symptoms.
Photographs of these mites and information on their hosts, symptoms, life cycle and description.
Illustrations of these pests, with information on their hosts, their description, life cycle and control.
Photographs of this mite on honeybees, with information on its hosts, symptoms, life cycle and description.
Photographs of these mites and information on their hosts and symptoms.
Photographs of this mite and information on its hosts and symptoms.
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension in Lancaster County factsheet and audio message on house dust mites (includes biology and control).
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension factsheet and audio focused on house dust mites and the scabies mite, Sarcoptes scabiei.
University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension factsheet and audio message on the biology and control of chiggers, which are the larvae of the harvest mite, Trombicula alfreddugesi.
Provides illustrations and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, biology, hosts, economic importance and management.
Provides photographs and a description of this coconut mite, with information on its distribution, life history, ecology, hosts, damage, economic importance and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this coconut mite, with information on its distribution, detection and the damage it does.
Provides photographs and a description of this ectoparasite of the honey bee, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this nuisance mite, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of these predatory mites, with information on their distribution, life cycle and economic importance.
Provides illustrations and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance and management.
Provides photographs and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance, detection, damage done and management.
Provides photographs and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, life history, hosts, economic importance and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this flat red mite, with information on its distribution, biology, hosts, economic importance and management.
Provides photographs and a description of this species, with information on its distribution, life history, hosts and economic importance.
Provides illustrations and a description of this false spider or flat mite, with information on its distribution, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of these cosmopolitan mites, with information on their life stages and biology, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this false spider mite or red and black flat mite, with information on its distribution, hosts, economic importance and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, biology, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Provides illustrations and a description of this mite, with information on its distribution, life cycle, hosts, economic importance, detection and management.
Illustrated article by Evan Sugden about Krombein's hairy-footed mite, Chaetodactylus krombeini, a pest of the orchard mason bee, and its control.
Information on Psorptes, Chorioptes and Sarcoptes mites that may infect goats, and the life cycle of each.
A study of the Pyroglyphidae including their ecology, physiology and their hygrothermal environment in beds and bedding.
Chiggers are the larvae of mites belonging to the family Trombiculidae. This article describes their biology, their preferred habitat and control measures.
Photographs of the red chicken mite.
Image of this scaly or depluming mite which infests birds.
Photograph of the northern fowl mite and an enlarged image of its sternal shield.
Images of male and female mites and a photograph of a cow with chorioptic mange.
Photographs and information on the sarcoptic mange mite, and photographs of animals with infestations.
Images of the feline scabies mite, an infected cat and a skin scraping.
Images of male and female mites and photographs of a dog with otodectic mange.
Images of male and female feather mites, sometimes classified as Megninia ginglymura.
Photographs of the house fly mite which hitches a lift between cowpats on a fly.
Photograph of the tropical fowl mite and enlarged images of its shields and chelicerae.
Enlarged images of the dog follicle mite and a skin scraping showing mites and larvae.
Images of the cat fur mite.
Images of these mites and photographs of horses, sheep and a rabbit with psoroptic mange.
Information on the bird, insect and rodent mites that may attack humans in the absence of their normal hosts. Also the scabies mite and the house dust mite and their control.
Photographic article by M. Halit Umar on the theme that life is a continuous interaction between organisms, in this case between man and the mite that lives in human hair follicles.
A gallery of fine photographs by Wim van Egmond of members of several genera.
Provides a gallery of photographs of these creatures found in this region.
Characteristics and biology of the bird mites Demanyssus Gallinae and Ornithonyssus Sylviarum.
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March 12, 2019 at 6:45:06 UTC
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