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Barnacles are a diverse taxon including free-living and parasitic groups. Barnacles are sessile and most are hermaphroditic. Most are suspension feeders but many are parasites and some are predators. The exoskeleton usually secretes heavy calcareous plates which grow with the animal and are not moulted, although the rest of the exoskeleton is.
More information
Taxonomy and description of the striped barnacle, its habitat and distribution, life history, physical tolerances, community ecology and invasion information.
Information from Wikipedia on this distant relative of crabs and lobsters that lives cemented to rocks or other objects.
A useful guide to Australian barnacles and their biology, providing for each species a description and details of distribution, habitat and biology.
Article by Wim van Egmond on the life cycle and development of the barnacle with several interesting photographs.
Life history, systematics, morphology, and fossil record of the barnacles and their relatives.
Taxonomy and description of the titan acorn barnacle, its habitat and distribution, life history, physical tolerances, community ecology and invasion information.
A useful guide to Australian barnacles and their biology, providing for each species a description and details of distribution, habitat and biology.
Taxonomy and description of the striped barnacle, its habitat and distribution, life history, physical tolerances, community ecology and invasion information.
Taxonomy and description of the titan acorn barnacle, its habitat and distribution, life history, physical tolerances, community ecology and invasion information.
Article by Wim van Egmond on the life cycle and development of the barnacle with several interesting photographs.
Information from Wikipedia on this distant relative of crabs and lobsters that lives cemented to rocks or other objects.
Life history, systematics, morphology, and fossil record of the barnacles and their relatives.
Last update:
January 5, 2016 at 19:54:07 UTC
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