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The true flies, including many familiar and economically important insects such as mosquitoes, black flies, midges, fruit flies, blow flies and house flies.
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Information and pictures of flies in Brisbane, Australia.
Characteristics, phylogeny, and images from the Tree of Life project.
Photos and information on Diptera (true flies) and links to other entomological and parasitological sites.
Deals with all aspects of dipterology (the study of Diptera: flies and midges) and dipterists worldwide. Includes images and forums.
The characteristics of these insects, their life cycle, feeding and habitat, with illustrations.
Photographs and information about flies found in a garden in the Netherlands.
Article by Mike Samworth describing this feature with a microscopic image of the mouthparts of Calliphora vomitoria.
Photographs and information about flies and gnats in a garden in The Netherlands.
Observations, how flies affected the course of history, and pictures.
A variety of resources for scientists that study the insect order Diptera, true flies. Includes newsletters "Fly Times" and "Tachinid Times", Tachinidae resources.
Article by Louise Kulzer about phantom midges (Chaoboridae) and phantom crane flies (Ptychopteridae) in the Seattle, Washington area.
Information from Wikipedia on this large biting fly in the genus Glossina, its biology, morphology and systematics, and the disease it can carry, trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness.
Photographs and information about flies found in a garden in the Netherlands.
Information and pictures of flies in Brisbane, Australia.
Article by Louise Kulzer about phantom midges (Chaoboridae) and phantom crane flies (Ptychopteridae) in the Seattle, Washington area.
Deals with all aspects of dipterology (the study of Diptera: flies and midges) and dipterists worldwide. Includes images and forums.
Information from Wikipedia on this large biting fly in the genus Glossina, its biology, morphology and systematics, and the disease it can carry, trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness.
The characteristics of these insects, their life cycle, feeding and habitat, with illustrations.
Article by Mike Samworth describing this feature with a microscopic image of the mouthparts of Calliphora vomitoria.
Photographs and information about flies and gnats in a garden in The Netherlands.
Photos and information on Diptera (true flies) and links to other entomological and parasitological sites.
A variety of resources for scientists that study the insect order Diptera, true flies. Includes newsletters "Fly Times" and "Tachinid Times", Tachinidae resources.
Characteristics, phylogeny, and images from the Tree of Life project.
Observations, how flies affected the course of history, and pictures.

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May 27, 2023 at 6:15:09 UTC
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