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Includes equine animals including horses and zebras.
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Article about the rescue campaign for the nearly extinct Przewalski horse.
Research project on Equus asinus by Kelsey Wells at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.
A literature database for researchers in the field of animal cognition and equine science.
Research project by Kelsey Posta on this domesticated mammal including its classification, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition and interactions with other species.
Factsheet with photographs, physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, predators and threats.
Research project by Alexandra Price on this, the largest of the zebra species, including its history, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition and classification.
Fact sheet from EDGE on this endangered species from Namibia and South Africa.
Discusses the feral horses of Assateague Island, Maryland, USA.
Attempts to breed through selection a population of Plains Zebras, which in its external appearance, and possibly genetically as well, will be closer, if not identical to the former population known as "Quagga", which was exterminated during the second half of the 19th century.
Many details and links to information about the family Equidae.
Factsheet with photographs, physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, predators and threats.
A literature database for researchers in the field of animal cognition and equine science.
Discusses the feral horses of Assateague Island, Maryland, USA.
Factsheet with photographs, physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, predators and threats.
Factsheet with photographs, physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, diet, predators and threats.
Many details and links to information about the family Equidae.
Research project on Equus asinus by Kelsey Wells at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.
Fact sheet from EDGE on this endangered species from Namibia and South Africa.
Research project by Kelsey Posta on this domesticated mammal including its classification, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition and interactions with other species.
Research project by Alexandra Price on this, the largest of the zebra species, including its history, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition and classification.
Attempts to breed through selection a population of Plains Zebras, which in its external appearance, and possibly genetically as well, will be closer, if not identical to the former population known as "Quagga", which was exterminated during the second half of the 19th century.
Article about the rescue campaign for the nearly extinct Przewalski horse.

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May 15, 2023 at 6:45:09 UTC
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