Group of gram-positive bacteria.
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Sites 7
Information from Wikipedia on this group of gram-positive bacteria.
Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology chapter on this bacterial disease.
Research project by Meagan Arnold on this bacterium including its general characteristics, adaptations, habitat, phylogeny, taxonomy, applications and other radiation resistant organisms.
Research project by Alicia Jaedike on this bacterium, including its classification, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition, interactions with other species and leprosy, the disease it causes.
Research project by Ashley Millard providing information on the organism responsible for tuberculosis, its characteristics, classification and adaptations, and information on the disease itself and its diagnosis.
Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology chapter on TB, the most deadly bacterial disease in history.
Research project by Gaelle Talhouarne on this bacterium that helps humans fight infections, including its classification, lineage, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition and interactions with other species.
Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology chapter on this bacterial disease.
Todar's Online Textbook of Bacteriology chapter on TB, the most deadly bacterial disease in history.
Research project by Gaelle Talhouarne on this bacterium that helps humans fight infections, including its classification, lineage, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition and interactions with other species.
Research project by Alicia Jaedike on this bacterium, including its classification, habitat, reproduction, adaptations, nutrition, interactions with other species and leprosy, the disease it causes.
Research project by Meagan Arnold on this bacterium including its general characteristics, adaptations, habitat, phylogeny, taxonomy, applications and other radiation resistant organisms.
Research project by Ashley Millard providing information on the organism responsible for tuberculosis, its characteristics, classification and adaptations, and information on the disease itself and its diagnosis.
Information from Wikipedia on this group of gram-positive bacteria.
Last update:
October 15, 2023 at 5:25:13 UTC
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