For this directory Polypodiaceae is considered to consist of those genera listed by RBG, Kew (see this category).
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Subcategories 29
Sites 3
List of genera in Manual de Flora de Costa Rica.
Expandable thumbnail images of three Hawaiian representatives of this family of mostly epiphytic or sometimes terrestrial ferns comprising about 50 genera and 550 mostly tropical species.
Outline for a class by Dr. Alan Smith, University of California.
Outline for a class by Dr. Alan Smith, University of California.
List of genera in Manual de Flora de Costa Rica.
Expandable thumbnail images of three Hawaiian representatives of this family of mostly epiphytic or sometimes terrestrial ferns comprising about 50 genera and 550 mostly tropical species.
Last update:
May 15, 2023 at 6:35:09 UTC
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Regional: North America: United States: Nebraska: Counties: Otoe
- Recently edited by cherel
- Recently edited by cherel