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Science Chemistry Education
Sites that teach or inform about chemistry and chemistry education, from grade school to college. Sites which seek to sell something should have significant, free chemistry education content to contribute.
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Rich resource for students and teachers of introductory chemistry. Includes interactive course guides and tutorials, an exam survival guide, reference tables, self-grading quizzes and exams, a searchable glossary, a question and answer board, answers to over 300 frequently asked questions, and a chemical trivia quiz.
Self-paced and self-learning distance chemistry education. There is a cost for a 'hypertextbook' and a different cost for online tutoring, if requested.
Provides live, online organic chemistry help and review seminars prior to the student's final exam. Also provides books, videos and other educational material.
Learn facts about the periodic table through quiz activities and games. Identify the chemical symbol given the element name, and the element name given the chemical symbol.
The science of water and how it gets turned into pseudoscience by promoters of dubious treatment schemes.
Developed by experienced science teachers to provide free chemistry tutorials designed for high school chemistry students. An additional members-only area is available for self-tests and their answers.
A chemistry resource for high school students, teachers, and homeschoolers. Free lesson plans (worksheets, handouts, labs) and tutorials provided.
Basics of chemistry for all ages. It has sections on atoms, matter, the periodic table, and reactions.
A collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, and concepts tests which can be incorporated into a variety of teaching approaches as pre-labs, alternatives to textbook homework, and in-class activities for individuals or teams. It is organized by a group of faculty and staff at Carnegie Mellon University.
Educational outreach programs and chemical safety information through competitions and newsletters. Page includes list of events, publications and kids page.
Online chemistry tools, forums, unit converters, symmetry tables, periodic table and chemical constants.
Outline of high school chemistry course curriculum with links to teacher generated assignments and pertinent web sites. Intended to help students and other chemistry teachers.
Covers chemistry, its laws, processes, applications and subdisciplines in hundreds of illustrated articles.
Help for common topics in college general chemistry.
For AP and general chemistry classes, each of which covers most of a year's curriculum. Each set of cards is saved in pdf format for easy download.
Resources for teachers and students of chemistry including animated molecules and mole clip art.
Explores the science between the periodic table and the established disciplines of inorganic and organic chemistry.
Study material for chemistry courses. Students can place their homework help questions on the Chemistry Forum. Online tutoring available.
Comics relating or referring somehow to various elements. Also has links to scientific information for each element.
Concept-based tests for use in chemistry. Includes suggestions for how the test can best be used in the instruction of chemistry students.
Worksheets, teachers and technicians notes for activities suitable for a Chemistry Club. Question sheets and practical guides for GCSE Chemistry. Interactive revision quizzes, puzzles and the Sc1 Tune-up Garage.
"The Who, What, When, Where and Why of Chemistry". Weblog by Michelle Francl.
Dr. R. Peters teaching resource for 14 to 16 year old chemistry students.
A student made page with information about general chemistry, AP chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry.
Collection of resources for supplementing chemistry lessons.
Discusses atoms and their components, the periodic table, its functions and the basic elements.
Summary of the method with diagrams and equations. The Haber Process is a method of producing ammonia developed in WWI.
Tells how and why hydrogen peroxide foams on cuts but not on skin.
Get the latest information about density determination, concentration tables in EXCEL format and exchange information with other people.
Established to provide a center for science educators to develop and disseminate ideas. ICE is national in scope and has led the drive to help teachers revitalize science in schools throughout the United States.
Annotated links to instructional materials and other resources of interest to chemistry teachers and course designers, carefully selected to represent what the author (a chemistry professor) considers to be the most useful and exemplary resources. Special emphasis is placed on CAI lessons, digital text, Web-based tutorials and similar materials that can serve as alternatives to traditional methods of instruction.
Review the elements with flash cards. [Requires Javascript]
Search engine for chemistry sites for children and young adults. Includes information about New Zealand, and a stain removal guide as well as more general chemistry information.
Essays on chemistry topics.
Celebrated annually on October 23, Mole Day commemorates Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10^23), which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day was created as a way to foster interest in chemistry.
Educational site with tutorials explaining petrochemistry and steps taken to produce petrochemicals. Also includes industry statistics and product applications.
Educational site on the subject of atoms; an overview, history, and atomic structure.
Course originally intended to meet the needs of UK A level chemistry students but now widened to suit people on equivalent courses worldwide.
Aims to spread, produce, and confirm information about the synthesis, extraction, sources and biological activity of various chemicals. Includes a forum and members' pages.
Rich resource for students and teachers of introductory chemistry. Includes interactive course guides and tutorials, an exam survival guide, reference tables, self-grading quizzes and exams, a searchable glossary, a question and answer board, answers to over 300 frequently asked questions, and a chemical trivia quiz.
"The Who, What, When, Where and Why of Chemistry". Weblog by Michelle Francl.
A chemistry resource for high school students, teachers, and homeschoolers. Free lesson plans (worksheets, handouts, labs) and tutorials provided.
Concept-based tests for use in chemistry. Includes suggestions for how the test can best be used in the instruction of chemistry students.
Educational site with tutorials explaining petrochemistry and steps taken to produce petrochemicals. Also includes industry statistics and product applications.
Aims to spread, produce, and confirm information about the synthesis, extraction, sources and biological activity of various chemicals. Includes a forum and members' pages.
Covers chemistry, its laws, processes, applications and subdisciplines in hundreds of illustrated articles.
Online chemistry tools, forums, unit converters, symmetry tables, periodic table and chemical constants.
Course originally intended to meet the needs of UK A level chemistry students but now widened to suit people on equivalent courses worldwide.
Dr. R. Peters teaching resource for 14 to 16 year old chemistry students.
Provides live, online organic chemistry help and review seminars prior to the student's final exam. Also provides books, videos and other educational material.
Study material for chemistry courses. Students can place their homework help questions on the Chemistry Forum. Online tutoring available.
Educational outreach programs and chemical safety information through competitions and newsletters. Page includes list of events, publications and kids page.
Explores the science between the periodic table and the established disciplines of inorganic and organic chemistry.
Basics of chemistry for all ages. It has sections on atoms, matter, the periodic table, and reactions.
A collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, and concepts tests which can be incorporated into a variety of teaching approaches as pre-labs, alternatives to textbook homework, and in-class activities for individuals or teams. It is organized by a group of faculty and staff at Carnegie Mellon University.
Resources for teachers and students of chemistry including animated molecules and mole clip art.
The science of water and how it gets turned into pseudoscience by promoters of dubious treatment schemes.
Annotated links to instructional materials and other resources of interest to chemistry teachers and course designers, carefully selected to represent what the author (a chemistry professor) considers to be the most useful and exemplary resources. Special emphasis is placed on CAI lessons, digital text, Web-based tutorials and similar materials that can serve as alternatives to traditional methods of instruction.
Worksheets, teachers and technicians notes for activities suitable for a Chemistry Club. Question sheets and practical guides for GCSE Chemistry. Interactive revision quizzes, puzzles and the Sc1 Tune-up Garage.
Collection of resources for supplementing chemistry lessons.
Review the elements with flash cards. [Requires Javascript]
For AP and general chemistry classes, each of which covers most of a year's curriculum. Each set of cards is saved in pdf format for easy download.
Established to provide a center for science educators to develop and disseminate ideas. ICE is national in scope and has led the drive to help teachers revitalize science in schools throughout the United States.
Self-paced and self-learning distance chemistry education. There is a cost for a 'hypertextbook' and a different cost for online tutoring, if requested.
Celebrated annually on October 23, Mole Day commemorates Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10^23), which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Mole Day was created as a way to foster interest in chemistry.
Developed by experienced science teachers to provide free chemistry tutorials designed for high school chemistry students. An additional members-only area is available for self-tests and their answers.
Summary of the method with diagrams and equations. The Haber Process is a method of producing ammonia developed in WWI.
A student made page with information about general chemistry, AP chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry.
Educational site on the subject of atoms; an overview, history, and atomic structure.
Learn facts about the periodic table through quiz activities and games. Identify the chemical symbol given the element name, and the element name given the chemical symbol.
Search engine for chemistry sites for children and young adults. Includes information about New Zealand, and a stain removal guide as well as more general chemistry information.
Outline of high school chemistry course curriculum with links to teacher generated assignments and pertinent web sites. Intended to help students and other chemistry teachers.
Help for common topics in college general chemistry.
Discusses atoms and their components, the periodic table, its functions and the basic elements.
Tells how and why hydrogen peroxide foams on cuts but not on skin.
Comics relating or referring somehow to various elements. Also has links to scientific information for each element.
Essays on chemistry topics.
Get the latest information about density determination, concentration tables in EXCEL format and exchange information with other people.

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May 23, 2023 at 6:55:04 UTC
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