The effects and influences of climate change are transmitted through air, land, water, animal and plant life, and human health.
Evidence of ecological impacts - gathered by observation, modeling and experimentation - is provided by indicators that measure things such as temperature, precipitation, storms, sea levels, atmospheric ozone, crop yields, human health, and the appearance, behavior and abundance of insects, birds, and animals in the wild.
"Indicators are designed to provide clear signals about something of interest. Indicators communicate information about the status of things, and, when recorded over time, can yield valuable information about changes or trends. The values of an indicator over time can inform decisions about whether intervention is desirable or necessary, which of various interventions might yield the best results, and how successful interventions have been. Indicators therefore can and should guide policy and help direct research." Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources (CGER)
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Sites 12
An overview of the growing evidence of the sensitivity and vulnerability of natural and human systems, including brief descriptions of threats encountered by specific species.
WWF paper that examines recent research and provides evidence that the types of environmental changes predicted in climatic models are now taking place. Studies the implications to habitats, ecosystems, species, and local food webs, in areas that are rooted in the concept of permanence.
Map illustrates fingerprints and harbingers including observed consequences as indicated by periods of unusually warm weather, coastal flooding, and changes in glaciers and polar regions.
Abrupt climate change, global warming and the environment. If the Gulf Stream slows down or stops, what could be the effects? Websites, articles, books and forums.
Paper by Pat Wilde and Mary Quinby-Hunt asserting that the warming of southeast Asian oceans could release colossal burst of greenhouse gases.
Conflicting analyses of atmospheric temperatures derived from satellite observations. Includes images and data, in collaboration with the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory.
A daily news update of the latest research into climate change. Includes links to archived articles about ecology and environmental science.
Global Historical Climate Network data, analysed by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Includes background information, table data, individual station data, graphs, maps, animations, and references.
A Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Examines the natural variability, possible trends, frequency, and intensity of severe weather activity in tropical coastal regions, and explores the potential for change in greenhouse conditions.
Photographic documentation of climate change around the world. Focuses on effects such as shrinking glaciers, coral bleaching, insect and animal range changes, phenology, and rising sea level.
Detailed press release reporting a study of biodiversity-rich regions. Computer models project the future movements and distributions of many species of plants, birds, animals, and insects, in response to changing conditions. From the School of Biology, University of Leeds.
(January 07, 2004)
National Geographic News story about the hypothesis that past climate variations led to the collapse of civilizations, with speculation on the implications for our society's future.
(February 27, 2001)
Conflicting analyses of atmospheric temperatures derived from satellite observations. Includes images and data, in collaboration with the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory.
An overview of the growing evidence of the sensitivity and vulnerability of natural and human systems, including brief descriptions of threats encountered by specific species.
Paper by Pat Wilde and Mary Quinby-Hunt asserting that the warming of southeast Asian oceans could release colossal burst of greenhouse gases.
Map illustrates fingerprints and harbingers including observed consequences as indicated by periods of unusually warm weather, coastal flooding, and changes in glaciers and polar regions.
Photographic documentation of climate change around the world. Focuses on effects such as shrinking glaciers, coral bleaching, insect and animal range changes, phenology, and rising sea level.
WWF paper that examines recent research and provides evidence that the types of environmental changes predicted in climatic models are now taking place. Studies the implications to habitats, ecosystems, species, and local food webs, in areas that are rooted in the concept of permanence.
Abrupt climate change, global warming and the environment. If the Gulf Stream slows down or stops, what could be the effects? Websites, articles, books and forums.
A Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Examines the natural variability, possible trends, frequency, and intensity of severe weather activity in tropical coastal regions, and explores the potential for change in greenhouse conditions.
Global Historical Climate Network data, analysed by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Includes background information, table data, individual station data, graphs, maps, animations, and references.
A daily news update of the latest research into climate change. Includes links to archived articles about ecology and environmental science.
Detailed press release reporting a study of biodiversity-rich regions. Computer models project the future movements and distributions of many species of plants, birds, animals, and insects, in response to changing conditions. From the School of Biology, University of Leeds.
(January 07, 2004)
National Geographic News story about the hypothesis that past climate variations led to the collapse of civilizations, with speculation on the implications for our society's future.
(February 27, 2001)
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June 20, 2022 at 5:25:13 UTC
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