Efforts to manage carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by reducing emissions or sequestering carbon.
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Addresses CO2 emissions and seeks the most suitable technologies, regulations, and infrastructure needs for carbon capture, storage and sequestration, both terrestrial and geologic.
Information about carbon dioxide emission and fuel consumption of cars.
A EU-funded research project designed to better understand, quantify and predict under current and future scenarios the carbon balance of Europe.
Carbon (dioxide) capture and storage (CCS) in geological structures is fast-emerging as a promising method for decoupling fossil fuel use and carbon emissions. This site provides information about the UKCCSC project.
The Carbon Fund is financing and promoting the protection, restoration and enhancement of forests all over the world through carbon sequestration, an important tool in preventing global climate change.
Website providing information about a joint research project of Princeton University, BP and the Ford Motor Company into impacts of climate change and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Includes research papers that can be downloaded.
Information about the CSLF and its activities, including endorsed projects, papers and presentations.
Organization launched in 2007 to give voice to Americans who believe that taxing emissions of carbon dioxide is imperative to reduce global warming.
Helps businesses and the public sector to cut carbon emissions and to exploit the potential of low carbon technologies.
The United States' first federally recognized certification mark for greenhouse gas neutral products and services. Helps businesses and consumers find carbon and greenhouse neutral products and services.
Describes efforts by eight of the world's leading energy companies to reduce the cost of CO2 capture from combustion sources and to develop methods for safely storing carbon dioxide underground.
Listing of emissions by country compiled by the UN.
Standards and guidance regarding corporate greenhouse gas accounting and reporting.
An NGO-backed tool that generates premium carbon credits and promotes sustainable development. It is a source of information for all stakeholders involved in CDM/JI projects.
Background information and details of research projects.
Information about research by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) into ocean sequestration of carbon dioxide.
This Guardian UK article discusses findings that most forests do not have an effect on global temperature.
Multinational study to demonstrate the viability of full carbon accounting on a regional basis using the environmental tools and systems available to us today and in the near future. Site provides news, data and other information.
BBC article discusses the finding that the benefits that come from trees reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide can be outweighed by their capacity to trap heat near the ground.
(December 15, 2006)
The growth in global carbon dioxide emissions accelerated sharply around the year 2000, a new analysis shows.
(November 27, 2006)
New Internationalist Magazine special issue on carbon offsets.
(July 01, 2006)
Telegraph.co.uk article discusses the outcome of a carbon offset environmental initiative by the rock band Coldplay.
(April 29, 2006)
Website providing information about a joint research project of Princeton University, BP and the Ford Motor Company into impacts of climate change and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Includes research papers that can be downloaded.
Helps businesses and the public sector to cut carbon emissions and to exploit the potential of low carbon technologies.
Describes efforts by eight of the world's leading energy companies to reduce the cost of CO2 capture from combustion sources and to develop methods for safely storing carbon dioxide underground.
This Guardian UK article discusses findings that most forests do not have an effect on global temperature.
Addresses CO2 emissions and seeks the most suitable technologies, regulations, and infrastructure needs for carbon capture, storage and sequestration, both terrestrial and geologic.
The United States' first federally recognized certification mark for greenhouse gas neutral products and services. Helps businesses and consumers find carbon and greenhouse neutral products and services.
Organization launched in 2007 to give voice to Americans who believe that taxing emissions of carbon dioxide is imperative to reduce global warming.
Information about carbon dioxide emission and fuel consumption of cars.
Listing of emissions by country compiled by the UN.
Carbon (dioxide) capture and storage (CCS) in geological structures is fast-emerging as a promising method for decoupling fossil fuel use and carbon emissions. This site provides information about the UKCCSC project.
An NGO-backed tool that generates premium carbon credits and promotes sustainable development. It is a source of information for all stakeholders involved in CDM/JI projects.
Information about the CSLF and its activities, including endorsed projects, papers and presentations.
The Carbon Fund is financing and promoting the protection, restoration and enhancement of forests all over the world through carbon sequestration, an important tool in preventing global climate change.
Background information and details of research projects.
Standards and guidance regarding corporate greenhouse gas accounting and reporting.
A EU-funded research project designed to better understand, quantify and predict under current and future scenarios the carbon balance of Europe.
Multinational study to demonstrate the viability of full carbon accounting on a regional basis using the environmental tools and systems available to us today and in the near future. Site provides news, data and other information.
Information about research by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) into ocean sequestration of carbon dioxide.
BBC article discusses the finding that the benefits that come from trees reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide can be outweighed by their capacity to trap heat near the ground.
(December 15, 2006)
The growth in global carbon dioxide emissions accelerated sharply around the year 2000, a new analysis shows.
(November 27, 2006)
New Internationalist Magazine special issue on carbon offsets.
(July 01, 2006)
Telegraph.co.uk article discusses the outcome of a carbon offset environmental initiative by the rock band Coldplay.
(April 29, 2006)
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October 18, 2023 at 6:55:10 UTC
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