These sites are from companies that make, manufacture, distribute or sale primarily electronics research, or mechanical lab research suppliers.
This category will not contain sites that list only field service equipment. Only research grade instrumentation, laboratory quality instrumentation or suppliers will be listed here.
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High-speed camera systems for mechanical alignment,slow motion replay and analysis of high-speed events. 1024 x 1024 resolution and up to 16,000 pictures per second digital camera.
Alignment and measurement instruments with a unique user interface for easy measurement, alignment and documentation.
High-Speed Cameras: digital high-speed video camera systems and high-speed imaging accessories. Indianapolis, IN.
High-speed camera systems for mechanical alignment,slow motion replay and analysis of high-speed events. 1024 x 1024 resolution and up to 16,000 pictures per second digital camera.
Alignment and measurement instruments with a unique user interface for easy measurement, alignment and documentation.
High-Speed Cameras: digital high-speed video camera systems and high-speed imaging accessories. Indianapolis, IN.

Last update:
January 2, 2007 at 17:55:20 UTC

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Regional: North America: Canada: Ontario: Health: Mental Health
- Recently edited by shedragon
- Recently edited by shedragon